 | L. E. Shaw Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Avonport |
 | La Leche League, Breast Feeding Support Group | Bridgewater |
 | La Leche League-Windsor | Windsor |
 | La Picasse Centre Communautaire Culturel | Petit-de-Grat |
 | La Pirouette | Richmond County |
 | La Societe Historique Acadienne de Pubnico-Ouest, Acadian Historical Society of West Pubnico | West Pubnico |
 | Lacrosse Nova Scoita | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Ladies Auxiliary, New Minas Fire Department | New Minas |
 | LADIES ONLY 8-Ball Pool, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Lahave & District Fire Department | LaHave |
 | Lahave & District Fire Department Auxiliary | LaHave |
| LaHave and District Fire Department Auxiliary, Fundraiser | LaHave |
 | Lahave Ballfields | Bridgewater |
 | Lahave Islands Marine Museum, Lahave Islands Marine Museum Society | LaHave Islands |
 | LaHave Islands Marine Museum---history of the in-shore fisheries and life on the LaHave Islands in Nova Scotia, Canada | LaHave Islands |
 | LaHave River Campground, Come camp and reconnect at the LaHave River Campground! | Newburne |
 | LaHave River Ramblers, Square Dancing Club | Wileville |
 | LaHave River Salmon Association | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Salmon Association, Beginner Fly Casting Schools | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Trail | Lunenburg County |
 | Lahave River Trail, Association | Lunenburg County |
 | LaHave River Watershed Enhancement Foundation | Bridgewater |
 | LaHave River Yacht Club | West LaHave |
 | LaHave Street Sportsfield | Bridgewater |
 | Lake Ainslie Fireman's Ceilidh Days | Scotsville |
| Lake Ainslie Trail Committee | Inverness County |
 | Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Department | Scotsville |
 | Lake George Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Lake George (Kings Co.) |
 | Lake Milo Aquatic Club | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Lake O’Law Provincial Park | North East Margaree |
 | Lake Paul & Lake George Community Centre | Lake Paul |
 | Lake Pleasant Campers Club | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Lake Rossignol - Mersey River to Shelburne River | South Shore Region |
 | Lake Vaughan Fire Department | Tusket |
 | Lakes and District Volunteer Fire Department | Lake George (Yar. Co.) |
 | Lakeshore Curling Club | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Lakeside & Area Seniors Club | Richmond County |
 | Lakeview Trail | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Lakeview Treasures Campground and RV Park | Louisbourg |
 | Lakeville Community Centre | Lakeville |
 | Lakeville Women's Institute | Lakeville |
| Lambert Todd Days Festival, Lambert Todd Days Society | Reserve Mines |
 | Lanark Community Hall | Lanark |
 | Land of Evangeline Camping Resort | Grand Pré |
 | Lanes at Membertou | Membertou |
 | Langille Athletic Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Langille's Tae Kwon Do | Truro |
 | Lapland & District Fire Department | Lapland |
 | Lapland & District Fire Department Auxiliary | Lapland |
 | Lapland 4-H Club | Lapland |
 | Larade's Tae Kwon Do | Richmond County |
 | Larade's TaeKwonDo, Martial Arts / Self Defense TaeKwonDo School | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
| L'Arche Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
 | L'Ardoise Acadian Festival | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Adult Recreation | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Baseball/Softball Field | L'Ardoise |
 | L'Ardoise Jolly Club | L'Ardoise |
 | Larry’s River Community Centre | Larry's River |
 | Larry's River Wharf | Larry's River |
 | Laurel Hill Cemetery Company | Port Mouton |
 | Laurie Peace Park | New Glasgow |
 | Laurie Saulnier Memorial Trail, Hants West Wildlife Association | Upper Falmouth |
 | Lawn Bowls Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Lawrence House Provincial Museum | Lunenburg County |
 | Lawrencetown & District Lions Club | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown & District Volunteer Fire Department | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown and Area Seniors Association, LASA | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Beach Provincial Park | East Lawrencetown |
 | Lawrencetown Consolidated School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Education Centre, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown Exhibition Youth Arena | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lawrencetown United Baptist Church | Lawrencetown (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lazy Bay Trail, Wallace Bay Trail | Malagash |
 | Lazy Head Trail | Canso |
 | Le Buttereau Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Le Chemin du Buttereau | Pleasant Bay |
 | Le Club des Acadiens Seniors Wedgeport | Wedgeport |
 | Le Club Kinsmen de Cheticamp | Cheticamp |
 | Le Gabrielle Tournament | Cheticamp |
 | Le Jardin des Petits | Tusket |
 | Le Portage Golf Club | Cheticamp |
 | Le Vieux Chemin du Cap-Rouge Trail | Pleasant Bay |
 | Le Village historique acadien de la Nouvelle-Écosse | Lower West Pubnico |
 | Learn to Curl, Berwick Curling Club | Berwick |
 | Learn to Curl, Glooscap Curling Club | Kentville |
 | Learn to Graft your own Fruit Trees | |
| Learn to Ride Youth Mountain Bike, Youth Mountain Bike | West Hants |
 | Learn to Run 2019 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
| Learn to Run Program, Learn to Run Program | West Hants |
 | Learn to Sail Summer Program | Albert Bridge |
 | Learn To Skate (Ages 3 - 6 and 7 & up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Learn to Skate Eskasoni | Eskasoni |
 | Learn to Swim | Eskasoni |
| Leave No Trace | Canada |
 | Leeside Transition House Day Camp | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
 | Legacy Equestrian Centre | New Germany |
| Legends Gaming Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
 | Legge Health Clinic | Truro |
 | Leicester Volunteer Fire Department | East Leicester |
 | Leif Ericson Park, Trails | Cape Forchu |
 | Leisure & Active Recreation for Kids, LARK | Pictou County |
 | Lennox Passage Provincial Park | Lennox Passage |
 | Lennox Passage Yacht Club | D'Escousse |
 | LeNoir Landing | Arichat |
 | Leo Blair Memorial Ballfields, North River Ballfields | North River (Colchester Co.) |
 | Leo Fahey Way Recreation Building, Stellarite Seniors Building | Stellarton |
 | Les Amis du Plein Air, Le Nique Nature Bookstore | Cheticamp |
 | Les Jeux de l'Acadie | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
 | Les pieds au vol | Richmond County |
| Let Abilities Work Partnership Society | Pictou County |
 | Let's Get Up and Move, Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
 | Life Cycle | Kentville |
 | Life.School.House., Annapolis Valley | Clarence |
 | Life.School.House., Folk School | Clarence |
 | Lifesaving Course, Bronze Cross | Lunenburg |
 | Lifesaving Course, Bronze Medallion & CPR "B" | Bridgewater |
 | Lifesaving Society, Nova Scotia Branch | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Lighthouse Community Church, The Apostolic Church In Canada | Bridgewater |
 | Lighthouse Day | Richmond County |
 | Lighthouse Foodbank | Chester |
| Lights Along the Shore, Annual Lighthouse Festival | South Shore Region |
 | Lillian Allbon Animal Shelter | Cumberland County |
 | Lillian Benham Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Lockeport |
 | Limitless Dance Company | Brookfield |
 | Linacy Fire Hall and Community Centre | Linacy |
 | Lincolnville Community Hall | Lincolnville |
 | Linda Bryden Yoga | Iona |
| Linden 4-H Club | Cumberland County |
 | Lingan Golf Club | Sydney |
| Lingan Heritage Society | Lingan |
 | Linwood Beach | Linwood |
 | Linwood Community Centre | Linwood |
| Linwood Community Picnic Area | Linwood |
 | Linwood Harbour Campground | Havre Boucher |
 | Linwood Heritage Nature Trail | Linwood |
| Linwood Recreation | Linwood |
 | Lionel's Golf | New Waterford |
| Lions Club, Chester Basin / New Ross / Chester Area | Chester Basin |
 | Liscomb Legion Hall | Spanish Ship Bay |
 | Liscomb River Trail System | Liscomb River Wilderness Area |
 | Liscombe Lodge | Liscomb Mills |
| Lismore & District Community Centre | Lismore |
 | Lismore Loop Waking Path & Beach/Park | Lismore |
 | Litchfield-Delaps Cove Community Hall | Litchfield |
 | Literacy Mile, Valley Community Learning Association | Kentville |
 | Litters n' Critters, Dog Rescue Society | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Little Anse Hawks Baseball Club | Richmond County |
 | Little Anse Sampsons Cove Social Action Centre | Little Anse |
 | Little Eagles Daycare Centre | Sipekne'katik First Nation (Indian Brook) |
 | Little Harbour & Area Fire Department | Sable River |
 | Little Harbour Community Centre | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Harbour Fire Dept/Hall | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Harbour Recreation Association, Little Harbour Community Hall | Sable River |
 | Little Harbour to Tor Bay Trail | Larry's River |
 | Little Harbour Walking Biking Trail Society | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
 | Little Lake Family Campground Ltd. | Centre |
 | Little Liscomb Wharf | Liscomb |
| Little Moe's K9 Academy | Bible Hill |
 | Little Narrows Community Centre | Little Narrows |
 | Little Putt Miniature Golf Ltd | Sydney |
 | Little Ray's Reptile Zoo, Little Ray's Nova Scotia *Museum Natural History | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Little School Museum | Lockeport |
 | Little White Schoolhouse Museum | Truro |
 | Liverpool Adventure Outfitters | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Baby Talk | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Curling Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Fire Fighters Association | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool International Theatre Festival | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool International Ukulele Ceilidh | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Junior Curling, Liverpool Junior & Light Rock Curling | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Lions Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Priva-Cheer Club | Milton (Queens Co.) |
 | Liverpool Regional High School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Tennis Club | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool United Baptist Church | Liverpool |
 | Liverpool Women's Hockey, Lady Cougars | Liverpool |
 | Living Earth Council | Central Colchester |
 | Living Word Fellowship | Bridgetown |
 | Livingstone Cove Beach | Livingstone Cove |
 | Livingstone Cove Wharf, Park & Beach | Livingstone Cove |
 | Lloyd Memorial Centre | Kingsport |
 | l'nu kamakn - Snowboarding | Ben Eoin |
 | Local Senior Games 55 or Better, Fun, Fitness, Friendship | Central Colchester |
 | Loch Lomond RV Park | Cumberland County |
 | Lochaber Community Development Association | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
 | Lochiel Lake Provincial Park | Lochiel Lake |
 | Lockeport & Area July 1 Celebrations, Lockeport & Area July 1 Committee | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport & Area Medical First Responders | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport & Area Minor Ball Association (LAMBA) | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Area Preschool | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Cemetery Committee | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Community Access Program, Lillian Benham Library | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Cottages & Campgrounds | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Dory Club | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Elementary School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Harbour Authority, North Government Wharf, South Government Wharf, West Government Wharf | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Independent Baptist Church | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Legion Branch #80 | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Lions Club | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Loop Business Association | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Minor Ball Bingo | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Recreation Centre, Community Centre | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Regional High School, Community Garden | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Sea Derby, Lockeport Sea Derby Association | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport United Baptist Church | Lockeport |
 | Lockeport Youth Soccer, Minor Soccer | Lockeport |
 | Locker Room Health and Fitness Club, Windsor Gym | Windsor |
 | Locke's Island Birding & Hiking Tours | Lockeport |
 | Lockhart Ryan Memorial Park, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Lockhartville Community Hall | Lockhartville |
 | Londonderry Community Centre and Ballfield | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Community Church, Thirsty Church | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Community Council Association | Bass River |
 | Londonderry Playforest | Londonderry |
 | Londonderry Provincial Park | Londonderry |
 | Lone Shieling Trail | Ingonish Beach |
 | Long Lake Camp, Long Lake Baptist Youth Camp | Waterloo |
| Long Lake Loggers Association | East Hants |
 | Long Lake Provincial Park | Spryfield (Mainland Halifax) |
 | Long Lake Provincial Park Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Long Point Provincial Park | Creignish |
 | Long Pond Heritage Hockey Classic | Windsor |
| Longhill Road | |
 | Lonnie Milne Memorial Park | New Minas |
 | Look Off Family Camping Park | Canning |
 | Loon Lake Non-Motorized Boat Launch | Lake Paul |
 | Lord Amherst Chapter IODE, "One in Many, All in One" | Amherst |
 | Lordly House Museum, Lordly Park | Chester |
 | Lorne Community Centre "The Hall" | Lorne |
 | Lost to the Sea Memorial | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Louis Head Beach | Louis Head |
 | Louis Head Beach Campground | West Middle Sable |
 | Louis Millett Community Complex | New Minas |
 | Louisa Gardens | Sydney |
| Louisbourg and Area Celebration Society | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Basketball/Tennis Court & Skateboard Area, Louisbourg Tennis Club | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Crab Festival | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Lighthouse Trail, Coastal Connections Trail Association | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Little League Field | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Old Town Trail | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Playground | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Playhouse | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Road Race Society | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Scuba Services | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Volunteer Ambulance Association | Louisbourg |
 | Louisbourg Volunteer Fire Department | Louisbourg |
 | Louisdale Baseball Field | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Girl Guides | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Lion's Club | Louisdale |
 | Louisdale Tennis Courts | Louisdale |
 | Louise Dixon-Zumba | Richmond County |
 | LOVE Program | Membertou |
 | Low Impact Exercise, Christian Fellowship Centre | Wilmot |
 | Lower East Pubnico Wharf | Lower East Pubnico |
 | Lower Granville Community Hall | Port Royal (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Lower Ohio Ball Field | Lower Ohio |
 | Lower Ohio Recreation Centre, Ohio Recreation Association | Lower Ohio |
 | Lower Onslow Community Centre | Lower Onslow |
 | Lower South River Ball Fields | Lower South River |
 | Lower South River Community Centre | Lower South River |
 | Lower Truro Playground | Lower Truro |
 | Lowland Cove | Meat Cove |
 | Loyalist Trail Park | Stormont |
| Lucasville Greenway Society | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Lumberjacks Junior "A" Hockey Club | Bridgewater |
 | Lumière Arts Festival | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
 | Lumsden Pond Provincial Park, Provincial Day-Use Park | Black River (Kings Co.) |
 | Lunch and Learn | East Sable River |
 | Lunchtime Guided Walks | Kentville |
 | Lundy Fire Tower Trail | Larry's River |
 | Lunenburg 5k Road Race, The Muffin Run | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Academy | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance, LAMP | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Aikikai | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg and District Fire Department, District 1 & 2 Fire Department | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg and District Fire Department - Junior Firefighter Program, District 1 & 2 Fire Department | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Art Gallery | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Art Gallery, Canada 150 | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Back Harbour Trail | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Board of Trade | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Centre, Pickleball | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Christmas Dinner | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, 400 M Track, Softball Field, Soccer Field | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Badminton | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Fitness Classes | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Seniors Fitness Classes | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Walkin' In The Mornin' | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Weight Training | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Community Recreation Centre, Yoga Beginner | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County 4-H Council | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County Adult Learning Opportunities, Adult Learning Opportunities | Bridgewater |
| Lunenburg County Amateur Radio Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Community Health Board | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg County Crime Prevention Association | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Crime Stoppers | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Film Series | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Film Series, http://www.lunenburgfilms.com/wp/ | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Flight School | Newburne |
 | Lunenburg County Foster Parent Association | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Gentlemen's Slo-Pitch League | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Ground Search and Rescue | Pine Grove |
| Lunenburg County Hikers, Hike for Life | Lunenburg County |
| Lunenburg County Hikers, Hiking Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg County Historical Society, Fort Point Museum | LaHave |
 | Lunenburg County King Street YMCA Youth Centre | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre, LCLC | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County Mountain Bike Association | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County SPCA | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Adult Wellness Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Child Care & Afterschool Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA Fun Run | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg County YMCA-High Street Youth Programs | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Curling Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg District Office - Department of Community Services | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg District Office - Department of Community Services, Volunteer Driver Program | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Dog Park, Lunenburg Dog Park Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Farmers Market | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Festival of Crafts | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival, Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Foundation for the Arts - LFA | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Front Harbour Trail | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Bandstand | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Fishing Tours, Harbour Star (Harbour Tours) | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage House Tour, Lunenburg Heritage Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Heritage Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Karate “Uechi-Ryu” | |
 | Lunenburg Marina, Marina Wharf | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Ocean Adventures | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Opera House, Theatre | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Outdoor Basketball Court | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Paddling Adventours and Rentals | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg Photo Club | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Queens Recreation Coordinators Directors Association, LQ | South Shore Region |
 | Lunenburg Queens Volunteer Partnership | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg Remembrance Day Service | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Rod & Gun Club | Riverport |
 | Lunenburg Rowing Club | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg Skate Park | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Skating Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Softball Field | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Street Festival & Art Walk | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Swimming Pool, Lunenburg & District Swimming Pool Society | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Tennis Club | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Walking Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, Hockey | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, Public Skating | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Whale Watching Tours | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Wooden Boat Reunion | Lunenburg |
 | Lunenburg Yacht Club | Lunenburg |
| Lunenburg Yacht Club Celebrates Canada Day !, Canada 150 | Lunenburg County |
 | Lunenburg/Queens Parkinson's Support Group, Parkinson Society Bridgewater Chapter | Bridgewater |
 | Lunenburg’s Birthday Celebrations | Lunenburg |
 | Lung Association of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg District | Lunenburg |
 | Lutheran Camp Mush-A-Mush | Middle New Cornwall |
 | Lynx Volleyball Club | Truro |
 | Lyons Brook Community Hall | Lyons Brook |
 | Lyons Brook Recreation Association Betsey Park | Lyons Brook |