 | Kaizer Meadow Wind Turbine Campsite | Chester |
 | Kalapa Valley | Ingonish |
 | Kanokai Judo Club | New Glasgow |
 | Karate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Karen's Aerobics for Women | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Kavanaugh Lake Trail | Dover |
 | Kayak Cape Breton | West Bay |
 | Kayak Loan Program | Kings County (NS) |
| Kayak Loan Program, Loan Program | West Hants |
| Kayaking, Kayaking Adventures | West Hants |
 | Kayaking for Beginners (18+) | Municipality of the District of Argyle |
 | Ke’ Milita’nej Playground, Glooscap First Nation | Glooscap First Nation / Pesikitk' |
 | Kearney Lake Trail | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
 | Kearney Lake Trails, Halifax North West Trails Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Keating Centre - Auxiliary Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Keating Centre - Main Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Keating Wellness Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
 | Kedge Weavers Guild | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Keji Multisport Triathlon, Keji Women's Triathlon, Keji Women's Multisport & Culture Workshops, Mixed Team Triathlon Relays | Kejimkujik National Park |
 | Kejimkujik, National Park and National Historic Site | Queens County (NS) |
 | Kejimkujik, Seaside | Port Joli |
 | Kempt Community Hall | Kempt |
 | Kempt Quarry Recreation Site, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt Sewing Circle | Kempt |
 | Kempt Shore Music Gala Campout & Dance, Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt Shore Ocean View Campground, Nature at it's BEST! | Kempt Shore |
 | Kempt United Baptist Church | Summerville (West Hants) |
 | Kemptown Playground and Sport Court | Kemptown |
 | Kemptville & District Fire Department | Kemptville |
 | Ken Sen Kan Karate, Martial Arts | East Hants |
 | Kennetcook Braves Intermediate Baseball, Men's Baseball | East Hants |
 | Kennington Cove | Louisbourg |
| Kenomee Trail Society | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Cobequid Escarpment Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Devil's Bend Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Economy Falls Trail | Economy |
 | Kenomee Trail System: Kenomee Canyon Trail | Economy |
 | Kensington Playground & Picnic Grounds | Stellarton |
 | Kentville & District Kinette Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville & District Kinsmen Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Bike Week | Kentville |
 | Kentville Canada Cup | |
 | Kentville Centennial Arena | Kentville |
 | Kentville Christian Reformed Church | Canard |
 | Kentville Community Yoga | Kentville |
| Kentville Equipment Loan Program - COVID-19 | Kentville |
 | Kentville Farmers Market | Kentville |
 | Kentville Lions Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Marlins Swim Team | Kentville |
 | Kentville Migratory Bird Sanctuary | Kentville |
 | Kentville Minor Baseball, Wildcats | Kentville |
 | Kentville Minor Lacrosse Association | Kentville |
 | Kentville Multicultural Fair | Kentville |
 | Kentville New Horizons Club for Seniors | Kentville |
 | Kentville Outdoor Track | Kentville |
 | Kentville Parks & Recreation | Kentville |
 | Kentville Photography Club & Darkroom, The Photo Gym | Kentville |
 | Kentville Pumpkin People Festival, Harvest Festival | Kentville |
 | Kentville Ravine Trail, Agricultural Research Station Nature Trail | Kentville |
 | Kentville Recreation Centre | Kentville |
 | Kentville Senior Baseball, Kentville Wildcats | Kentville |
 | Kentville Silver Gliders Skating Club | Kentville |
 | Kentville Skatepark | Kentville |
 | Kentville Skatepark Association | Kentville |
 | Kentville Summer Camps & Programs | Kentville |
 | Kentville Trail System, Rails-To-Trails | Kentville |
 | Kentville United Baptist Church | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department, Facility Rental | Kentville |
 | Kentville Volunteer Fire Department Museum | Kentville |
 | Ken-Wo Duplicate Bridge Club | Port Williams |
 | Ken-wo Golf Club | New Minas |
 | Kenzieville Community Center | Kenzieville |
 | Keppoch Mountain | Antigonish County |
| Kettlebell Krushers Fitness | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Kicking it With Karla!, Line Dancing Classes | Truro |
 | Kids Beginner Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Kids Discovery Camps, Scotia Pool and NSAC Langille Athletic Centre | Bible Hill |
 | Kid's Fair Play FUNd, Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
 | Kids First Fund, Municipality of the District of Argyle | Tusket |
 | Kids in Motion Recreational Skating Program | Eastern Shelburne County |
 | Kids Intermediate Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Kids Intro to Karate, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
| Kids Run Club, Doctors Nova Scotia Healthy Tomorrow Foundation | Nova Scotia |
| KidSport | Cape Breton |
| Kidsport Funding | Fundy Region |
 | KidSport™, Annapolis / Digby | Annapolis County |
 | KidSport™, Kings / West Hants | Kings County (NS) |
 | KidSport™, Lunenburg County | Lunenburg County |
 | KidSport™, Queens County | Queens County (NS) |
 | KidSport™, Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
 | KidSport™, Yarmouth County | Tusket |
 | Kidzact | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Killiam's Wharf Bandstand and Gazebo | Yarmouth (town) |
 | Kindermusik | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Kindermusik with Natalie | Sydney |
 | Kindermusik with Ria | New Minas |
 | Kinderskills, Acadia Kinesiology Department | Wolfville |
 | Kinette Club of New Glasgow | Stellarton |
 | Kin-Excel Fitness Centre | St. Peter's |
 | King Pin Bowling | Amherst |
 | King Street Community Garden | Truro |
 | King Street Court, Bandstand and Dock | Bridgewater |
 | King Street Family Resource, a site of the South Shore Family Resource Association | Shelburne (town of) |
 | King Street Soccer Field | Truro |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses | Liverpool |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Amherst) | Amherst |
| Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Shubenacadie East) | Shubenacadie East |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Tatamagouche) | Tatamagouche |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness (Truro) | Truro |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Waterville |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | Kentville |
| Kings - Kikima Grannies | Kings County (NS) |
| Kings 55+ Games | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings Archers Club, Annapolis Valley Shooting Sports Club | White Rock |
| Kings Community Action Group on Gambling | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings Community Concert Band, Concert Band Music | Greenwich |
 | Kings County Academy, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Kentville |
 | Kings County Adult High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | New Minas |
 | Kings County Amateur Radio Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Aquatic Program Drop-In Swims | Waterville |
| Kings County Challenger Baseball | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings County Family Resource Centre | Kentville |
| Kings County Mobile Summer Day Camp | Kings County (NS) |
 | Kings County Museum, Kings Historical Society (The) | Kentville |
 | Kings County Photo Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Recreation Services | Coldbrook |
| Kings County Senior's Social and Bingo | |
 | Kings County Squash Club | Kentville |
 | Kings County Wildlife Association | Kings County (NS) |
 | King's Film Society | Annapolis Royal |
 | Kings Mutual Century Centre, Appledome | Berwick |
 | King's Orange Rangers | Liverpool |
 | Kings Presbyterian Church | New Minas |
 | Kings Special Olympics | Kings County (NS) |
 | King's Theatre | Annapolis Royal |
 | Kings Volunteer Resource Centre | New Minas |
 | Kings West Soccer Club | Kentville |
 | King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Kingston & District Home & School Association | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Area Seniors Association, KASA | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Credit Union Centre, March Break Free Skating | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department, Auxiliary | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston District Fire Department, Hall Rental | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Lions Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston March Break Day Camp | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Steer BBQ & Village Fair | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Summer Day Camp | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston United Baptist Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston United Church | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston Walks Group | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston/Greenwood Minor Baseball, Titans | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingston/Greenwood Soccer Club | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Kingsway Assembly | North Kentville |
 | Kingswood Camp | Aylesford |
 | Kinsmen Athletic Field | Bridgewater |
 | Kinsmen Ballfield | New Glasgow |
 | Kinsmen Building | Pictou |
 | Kinsmen Club | Wilmot |
 | Kinsmen Club of Bible Hill, Serving the Community's Greatest Need | Bible Hill |
 | Kinsmen Club of Liverpool | Liverpool |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
| Kinsmen Club of New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
 | Kinsmen Power Skating Program | New Glasgow |
 | Kiwanis Club of Bluenose Golden K | Bridgewater |
 | Kiwanis Club of Liverpool | Liverpool |
 | Kiwanis Park | Truro |
 | Kiwanis Pool | Sydney |
 | Kiwi Kaboodle Tours & Travel | Mahone Bay |
 | Klahanie Kamping | Aylesford |
 | Kluskap Ridge Campground | Englishtown |
 | Knaut-Rhuland House Museum | Lunenburg |
 | Knights of Columbus, Bridgewater Council 6417 | Bridgewater |
 | Knights Of Columbus, Springhill | Springhill |
 | Knights of Columbus Council, Immaculate Conception Church | Colchester County |
 | Knights of Columbus Council 2181 | Yarmouth (town) |
| Knights of Columbus New Glasgow Council #1667 | New Glasgow |
| Knights of Columbus, Pictou Council # 8608 | Pictou |
 | Knights of Pythias, Chignecto Lodge #11 | Amherst |
 | Knights of Pythias Lodge#26 | Oxford |
 | Knox United Church | Brookfield |
 | Krymsun Farm Herb Best Quarter Horses | New Glasgow |
 | Kundalini Yoga-Bev Brayson | Baddeck |
 | Kung Fu, Vo Thuat Co Truyen | Municipality of the District Barrington |