| MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers), Lunenburg - Queens Chapter | Bridgewater |
| MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Yarmouth County | Yarmouth (town) |
| Mahone Bay and Area Swimming Pool, Mahone Bay & Area Swimming Pool Society | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay and District Fire Department | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Area Farmer's Market | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, 2nd Floor Gallery | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Badminton | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, CentreFit Gym | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Life Drawing | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Lifewriting | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Memory Café | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Printmakers | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Centre, Seniors Luncheon | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Legion Swing Band | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Museum, Mahone Bay Founders Society | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Quilters Guild | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Rock Camp | Mahone Bay |
| Mahone Bay Tennis Club | Mahone Bay |
| Maitland & District Recreation Community Centre | Maitland |
| Making Tracks, Active Transportation Safety Training | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Maple Grove Education Centre, Tri-County Regional School Board | Hebron |
| Maple Grove Soccer Field, Maple Grove Education Centre | Hebron |
| Maplewood Maple Syrup & Christmas Tree Farm | Maplewood |
| MARC | Lunenburg County |
| Margaret Hennigar Public Library | Bridgewater |
| Mariners Baseball Field | Yarmouth (town) |
| Maritime Concert Opera Society | Lunenburg |
| Maritime Fiddlers Association | Falmouth |
| Maritime Fiddlers Association, Lunenburg County Fiddler's Club | Bridgewater |
| Martin's River Fire Department | Martins River |
| Martin's River Fire Department, Martin's River Fire Department Auxiliary | Martins River |
| Mary Ann's Personal Fitness | Bridgewater |
| Mason's Beach | Masons Beach |
| McInnis Quarter Horses | Chelsea |
| McKay Memorial Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Shelburne (town of) |
| McKinnon Dance | Pine Grove |
| Meadow Pond Park | Liverpool |
| Meadow Pond Walking Trail | Liverpool |
| Meadowfields Community School, Tri-County Regional Centre for Education | Yarmouth (town) |
| Meadowfields Soccer Field, Meadowfields Community School | Yarmouth (town) |
| Meals on Wheels | Liverpool |
| Meals On Wheels, Meal Delivery | Bridgewater |
| Mechanics Lodge No. 78 | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
| Medway Area Communities Association | Port Medway |
| Medway Area Heritage Society | Port Medway |
| Medway River Salmon Association | Mill Village |
| Melbourne Community Centre | Arcadia |
| Men’s Drop-in Basketball | Mahone Bay |
| Men's Bowling League | Shelburne (town of) |
| Men's Pick up Hockey | Sherose Island |
| Mersey Heritage Society | Liverpool |
| Mersey River: Milton to Liverpool | South Shore Region |
| Mersey Road Paintball | East River |
| Mersey Skatepark, Queens County Skatepark Association | Liverpool |
| Mersey Skatepark - GRAND OPENING | Region of Queens Municipality |
| Meteghan Family Fun Park, Saulnierville Drugstore Playground | Meteghan |
| Michelin Social & Athletic Club of Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
| MicMac Rod and Gun Club | Wentzells Lake |
| Middle & Upper Ohio Community Hall & Fire Department, Ohio Fire Department | Middle Ohio |
| Middlewood United Church, Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge | Middlewood |
| Middlewood United Church Sewing Circle | Middlewood |
| Midville & District Fire Department | Midville Branch |
| Miller Point Peace Park, Trails | Dayspring |
| Milton Baptist Church | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Baptist Church Ladies Auxiliary | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Canoe & Camera Club | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Centennial Pool | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Christian Church, Disciples of Christ | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Christian Church - Christian Women's Fellowship | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Milton Clock Tower Park | Yarmouth (town) |
| Milton Community Association | Milton (Queens Co.) |
| Mini Volleyball | Bridgewater |
| Miriam Hunt Park | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
| MODL Winter Equipment Loan | Lunenburg County |
| Monique's Yoga | Pubnico |
| Motorcycle Club | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Mountain Equipment Co-op, MEC Events | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Muise Taekwon-Do | Yarmouth (town) |
| Mukashi School of Karate, Chito Ryu Karate | Brooklyn (Yar. Co.) |
| Municipal Activity Recreation Complex, MARC | Dayspring |
| Municipality of Barrington Equipment Loan Program | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Municipality Of Chester: Summer Programs Ages 3-7 | Chester |
| Municipality of Clare Recreation Department | Little Brook |
| Municipality of the District of Argyle - Municipalité d'Argyle, Argyle Recreation Department - Département des loisirs d'Argyle | Tusket |
| Municipality of the District of Chester, Chester Municipal Recreation and Parks | Chester |
| Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, District of Lunenburg Recreation | Cookville |
| Municipality of the District of Shelburne, Recreation & Parks | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Municipality of the District of Shelburne Outdoor Movie Night | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Muscular Dystrophy Canada, South Shore Chapter | South Shore Region |
| Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos & Research Center, Acadian Museum and research center | West Pubnico |
| Mush-a-Mush Beach Park, Mushamush Beach Park | Sweetland |
| Music Lessons | Bridgewater |
| Musique Royale | Lunenburg |
| Musique Royale, Festival of Musique across Historic Nova Scotia | Lunenburg |