| Sable River Community Garden | East Sable River |
| Sable River Community Hall | Sable River |
| Sable River Fire Hall | Sable River |
| Sable River Foot Bridge Walking Trail | Shelburne County |
| Sable River Health Matters | East Sable River |
| Sable River Heritage Committee | Sable River |
| Sable River Provincial Park, Sable River Picnic Park | Sable River |
| Sable River Volunteer Fire Department | Sable River |
| Sable River Women's Fitness & Swim | East Sable River |
| Sable River Women's Institute | Sable River |
| Safe Sport in Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
| Sahaja Yoga Meditation | Liverpool |
| Sail Lunenburg with Star Charters | Lunenburg |
| Sail Mahone Bay | Mahone Bay |
| Sail Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Saint Barnabas Sewing Guild Blandford | Blandford |
| Salle Père-Maurice-LeBlanc Theatre | Tusket |
| Salt and Honey Holistic Health and Wellness, Yoga on the South Shore of Nova Scotia | Mahone Bay |
| Salt Marsh Boardwalk | Lockeport |
| Sam's Woodland Tours | Upper Branch |
| Samuel Wood Historical Society | Central Woods Harbour |
| Samuel Wood Museum | Lower Woods Harbour |
| Sand Dollar Beach | Rose Bay |
| Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park | Villagedale |
| Sandy Point Lighthouse Beach | Sandy Point |
| Sandy Point Lighthouse Park & Community Centre | Sandy Point |
| Sandy Wickens Memorial Arena | Sherose Island |
| Santa Claus Parade, Once Upon a Lunenburg Christmas, Lunenburg Christmas Craft Fair | Lunenburg |
| Sawpit Wharf, Sawpit Park | Garden Lots |
| SCANS, Seniors' College Association of Nova Scotia | |
| Scenic Walking Tour of Lockeport, Lockeport Walking Trail | Lockeport |
| Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia, Lunenburg County Chapter | Bridgewater |
| Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Scouts Canada, Yarmouth County/Digby County/Shelburn County | Yarmouth County |
| Scouts Canada - 1st Chester Basin Group | Chester Basin |
| Scouts Canada - South Shore Area, 3rd Bridgewater Scout Group | Bridgewater |
| Sea Captain's Walking Tour | Yarmouth (town) |
| Sea Dog Bike & Kayak Rentals | Shelburne (town of) |
| Sea N' Cruise Eco Tours | Lunenburg |
| Seabreeze Rebekah Lodge #24 | Clark's Harbour (town of) |
| Seacaps Park, The Lighthouse Stage | Lockeport |
| Seahawks Minor Football Club | Bridgewater |
| Seal Island Light Museum | Barrington |
| Seal Island Lighthouse | Seal Island |
| Sealed Landers Park | Yarmouth (town) |
| Searidge home foundation drug and alcohol rehab | Annapolis Royal |
| Seaside A Cappella All Female Show Chorus | Dayspring |
| Seaside Heritage Center | Cape Sable Island |
| Seaside Park Playground, Play Park | Lockeport |
| Seaside Recreation and Community Centre Association, Seaside Centre | Beach Meadows |
| Seaside Strummers | Liverpool |
| Second Peninsula Provincial Park | Second Peninsula |
| Second Story Women's Centre | Lunenburg |
| Senator Ambroise H. Comeau Memorial Library, Western Counties Regional Library Board | Meteghan |
| Senior Activity Group | Liverpool |
| Senior Bowling League | Shelburne (town of) |
| Senior Safety Program, RCMP Queens Detachment | Mount Pleasant (Queens Co.) |
| Senior Wheels Association | Bridgewater |
| Senior’s Assisted Transportation Program | Liverpool |
| Senior’s Safety Check In Program | Liverpool |
| Seniors Kickin` Country, Line Dancing | Ste. Anne du Ruisseau |
| Seniors Police Academy | Lunenburg County |
| Sentimental Journey Dance with Loren Fevens | Yarmouth (town) |
| Shag Harbour Baptist Church | Shag Harbour |
| Shag Harbour Bear Point Fire Department | Shag Harbour |
| Shag Harbour Bear Point Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Shag Harbour |
| Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum, UFO Museum | Shag Harbour |
| Shag Harbour Rock | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Shag Harbour UFO Crash Site | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Shag Harbour UFO Festival | Shag Harbour |
| SHAID Tree Animal Shelter | Whynotts Settlement |
| Sheerwood Golf & Country Club | Sherwood |
| Shelburne & Area Chamber of Commerce | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne & Area Minor Baseball | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Shelburne & Area Whirligig Society | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne & Area Youth Bowling | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Area Lions Club | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Barrington Developmental Residence | Barrington Passage |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Beech Street Studios | Lockeport |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Central Office | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Heritage Hall | Barrington |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Mayflower Place | Barrington Passage |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Meals on Wheels | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Association Supporting Inclusion, SASI, Shelburne Group Home | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Baptist Church | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Celebrates Christmas | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Community Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County 4-H Council | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Agricultural Exhibition, Shelburne County Agricultural Exhibition Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Amateur Radio Club | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Archives and Genealogical Society | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Arena, Shelburne County Arena Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Arts Council | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County ATV Association | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Basketball Association | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Business Development Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Community Health Board | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Figure Skating Club | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Fish & Game Association | Barrington |
| Shelburne County Giant Pumpkin Festival | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Learning Network | Barrington Passage |
| Shelburne County Lobball Association | Barrington |
| Shelburne County Lobster Festival | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Minor Hockey Association | Barrington Passage |
| Shelburne County Mud Munchers 4x4 Club | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Museum | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne County Retired Teachers Organization | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Senior Connection Line | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Special Olympics | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Tourism Association, Discover Shelburne County | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne County Womens Fishnet, Women supporting women and their families. | Lockeport |
| Shelburne Curling Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Farmers Market | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Founders' Days | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Harbour Boat Tours | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Harbour Yacht Club, and Marina | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Historical Society | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Karate Club | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Kayak Festival | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Shelburne Longboat Society | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Shelburne Loyalist Foodbank | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Physiotherapy-Fitness Centre | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Rail Trail | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Re-enactment Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Regional High School, Tri-County Regional School Board | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne Regional High School Advisory Council | Shelburne County |
| Shelburne Sailing School Association | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne United Church Pastoral Charge | Lower Ohio |
| Shelburne Volunteer Fire Department | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary | Shelburne (town of) |
| Shelburne's Historic Waterfront - Museums by the Sea | Shelburne (town of) |
| Sherbrooke Lake United Church Camp | Franey Corner |
| Sherose Island Ball Field | Sherose Island |
| Sherose Island Disc Golf Course | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Sherose Island Nature Trail, Sherose Island Rocks! | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Sherose Island Playground and Picnic Area | Sherose Island |
| Ship Shape Fitness Centre for Women, PACE Programmed Aerobic Circuit Exercise | Lunenburg |
| Shipyard's Landing, The Citizens' Bandstand | Bridgewater |
| Shooting Federation of Nova Scotia, SFNS | Dartmouth |
| Shore Boat View Campgrounds | Rose Bay |
| Shore Riders ATV Club | Chester Basin |
| Shoreham Village Senior Citizens Association | Chester |
| Shoto Ryu Jutsu Karate Dojo | Yarmouth (town) |
| Shuffleboard Courts | Bridgewater |
| Shuffleboard Courts | Bridgewater |
| SHYFT Youth Services Society, SHYFT | Yarmouth (town) |
| Simpson's Corner Community Hall, Simpson's Corner Community Hall Society | Simpsons Corner |
| Singing With our Lunenburg Neighbours, Connecting with others by singing together | Lunenburg |
| SkateCanada Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Sloop Cove Beach | Moshers Island |
| Sluice Point Wharf | Sluice Point |
| Small World Learning Centre | Bridgewater |
| Small World Learning Centre, (Pre-School, Afterschool, and Summer Day Camp Programs) | Bridgewater |
| Snowboard Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia, SANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Snowshoe Hikes! | Lunenburg County |
| Snowshoe Loans | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Soccer Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Société Touristique Bon Temps d'Argyle | Tusket |
| Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Joseph's Parish | Bridgewater |
| Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Norbert's Mission | Lunenburg |
| Softball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Solar Shelter Design | Bridgewater |
| Sou’West Nova Métis Council | Barrington Passage |
| Sound Affects- South West Nova Music Society, supporting youth in music | Argyle (Yarmouth Co.) |
| South Brookfield United Baptist Church, North Brookfield Caledonia United Baptist Church Pastorates | South Brookfield |
| South End Kids Community Garden, SHYFT Youth Services | Yarmouth (town) |
| South Nova Tai Chi- Bridgewater, South Nova branch of the Canadian Tai Chi Academy | Bridgewater |
| South Nova Tai Chi- Lunenburg, South Nova branch of the Canadian Tai Chi Academy | Lunenburg |
| South Ohio Hall | South Ohio |
| South Queens Chamber of Commerce | Liverpool |
| South Queens Middle School, South Shore Regional School Board | Liverpool |
| South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail | Lunenburg County |
| South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail Association | Lunenburg County |
| South Shore Bassmasters | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Bluegrass Music Association | New Canada |
| South Shore Boat Tours | Mahone Bay |
| South Shore Chapter of the Council of Canadians | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Community Justice Society, Restorative Justice | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Disc Golf NS | Dayspring |
| South Shore District Soccer Association | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Duellists Fencing Club | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Exhibition, The Big Ex | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Family Resource Association | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Flag Football League, SSFFL | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Genealogical Society | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Genealogical Society, Canada 150 | Lunenburg County |
| South Shore Health | Bridgewater |
| South Shore in Motion | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Kennel Club | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Kennel Club Dog Show, South Shore Kennel Club | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Kids Triathlon | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Marina | Marriotts Cove |
| South Shore Minor Basketball | South Shore Region |
| South Shore Minor Hockey Association, SSMHA | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Multicultural Association | South Shore Region |
| South Shore Players | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Presbytery | Sable River |
| South Shore Public Libraries, Alean Freeman Library, Greenfield | Greenfield (Queens Co.) |
| South Shore Public Libraries, Lunenburg Library | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Public Libraries, Margaret Hennigar Public Library, Bridgewater | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Public Libraries, Outreach Services, Mobile Library | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Public Libraries, Thomas H. Raddall Library, Liverpool | Liverpool |
| South Shore Regional Hospital Auxiliary | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Regional School Board | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Relay for Life, Canadian Cancer Society | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Remote Control Flying Club | Lunenburg |
| South Shore Scottish Country Dancers | Mahone Bay |
| South Shore Seniors Club, Formally Chester Basin over 40 Club | East Chester |
| South Shore Sexual Health | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Shrine Club | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Stamp Club | Dayspring |
| South Shore Transition House Association, Harbour House | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Ukulele Players | Bridgewater |
| South Shore United Football (Soccer) Club, Community to performance programming | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Waldorf School & Kindergarten | Blockhouse |
| South Shore Wildlife Association | Bridgewater |
| South Shore Women's Softball League | South Shore Region |
| South Shore Work Activity Program | Chester |
| South Shore Wrestling Club, Wrestling teams (NSSAF) : CSRS Centre Scolaire de la Rive-Sud, FHCS Forest Heights Community School. | Cookville |
| South Shore Young Naturalists Club, A local chapter of the Young Naturalists Club of Nova Scotia | Bridgewater |
| South Side Beach, Daniel's Head Beach | Cape Sable Island |
| South Side United Baptist Church | Lower Clark's Harbour |
| Southwest Paddlers | Central Argyle |
| Southwestern Riders Association | Eastern Shelburne County |
| Sou'West Nova Transit Association, Sou'West Nova Transit | Barrington |
| Sou'Wester Adventures Sailing School | Western Shore |
| Sou'Wester Coin Club | Barrington Passage |
| Special Olympics Lunenburg/Queens | Lunenburg County |
| Special Olympics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Speed Skate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Spin Your Wheels Bike Shop | Bridgewater |
| Splashback | Bridgewater |
| Sport Nova Scotia | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Spring-Haven Canoe Outfitting | Tusket |
| Sprucewood Drive Playground | Yarmouth (town) |
| Squash Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| St. Ambrose Church | Yarmouth (town) |
| St. Ambrose Field | Yarmouth (town) |
| St. Ambrose Tennis Courts | Yarmouth (town) |
| St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church | Lunenburg |
| St. Andrews United Church, Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge | Crousetown |
| St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church | Liverpool |
| St. James Lutheran Church | Branch LaHave |
| St. John Ambulance, Therapy Dog Program | Dartmouth |
| St. John Ambulance, Volunteer Medical Responder Program | Dartmouth |
| St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid & Cpr (BLSB) | Bridgewater |
| St. John Ambulance NS/ PEI, SAVING LIVES at work, home and play | Dartmouth |
| St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid & CPR C | Bridgewater |
| St. John’s Anglican Church | Lunenburg |
| St. John's Anglican Church | Brooklyn (Queens Co.) |
| St. John's United Church, Riverport Pastoral Charge | Middle LaHave |
| St. Matthew's United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Clyde River |
| St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ladies Aid | Bridgewater |
| St. Paul's United Church, Clyde Carleton Pastoral Charge | Carleton Village |
| St. Peter's by the Sea Community Society | Eastern Shelburne County |
| St. Peter's Church, Saint-Pierre Catholic Church | Middle West Pubnico |
| St. Phillips Street Playground | Bridgewater |
| Stay Active Outdoors | Antigonish County |
| Stoddard Island Lighthouse, Emerald Isle Lighthouse | Shag Harbour |
| Stoney Island Beach | Cape Sable Island |
| Strangs Lane Boat Launch and picnic area | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Streetscape, Memorials | Lockeport |
| Strength & Tone | Mahone Bay |
| Studio Singers, Community Choir | Chester |
| Stumpy Cove Park | Lower Clark's Harbour |
| Sugar Moon Farm & Wildlife Park - Bus Trips | Bridgewater |
| Summer Day Camp | Bridgewater |
| Summer Day Camp Programs | Municipality of the District Barrington |
| Summer Playground Program | Lockeport |
| Summer Soccer Program | Lockeport |
| Summerville Beach Provincial Park | Summerville Centre |
| Summerville Family Beach Party | Summerville (Queens Co.) |
| Summerville Walking Trail | Summerville Centre |
| Sunday Point Beach | Kelleys Cove |
| Sunflowers, Sunshine & Winery Tour - Bus Trips | Bridgewater |
| Supported Community Living Options | Bridgewater |
| Surf Boating Tours, South Shore Surf Shop | Lunenburg |
| Surf Lodge Nursing Home | Lockeport |
| Surfing Association of Nova Scotia | Dartmouth |
| Swansburg Lanes | Shelburne (town of) |
| Sweet Ride Cycling | Mahone Bay |
| Swim Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Swimming Lessons Schedule | Sherose Island |
| Swiss Air Memorial Site, Park | Bayswater |
| Swiss Air Memorial Site, Park | Peggys Cove |
| SWITCH Open Streets | Yarmouth (town) |
| Synchro Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |