Bible Hill Junior High School Community Disc Golf
Life is short. Have you thrown a disc today?

Record #:
Last Modified:
24 Oct 2017
Last Full Update:
24 Oct 2017
Located In | Bible Hill |
Where To Find Us | 741 College Rd Truro, NS B2N 5Y9 |
Areas Served | Colchester County |
Contact | |
Phone | 902-893-8083 |
Contact | Cody Brown, Parks & Recreation Director |
Description & Services
Information | More information and free disc rentals can be found by contacting the Village of Bible Hill. Free to play outside of regular school hours. Rules: Each hole or basket begins with a throw from the mulched "tee" area. After that, each throw must be made from immediately behind where the prior throw landed. A hole or basket is complete when the disc lands inside of it. As with golf, your score is the number of throws or putts required to complete the hole. Never throw towards people, animals or vehicles. Thrown discs can cause damage. Tips: Fairway, mid-range and putter discs all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Lighter discs are easier to control. YouTube has many useful introductory videos. |