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One- Time Funding Opportunities Grants

Town of Wolfville

Record #: TOW0046
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2018
Last Full Update: 03 Apr 2018


Located In Wolfville
Where To Find Us
359 Main St
Wolfville, NS B4P 1A1
Areas Served Wolfville


Phone (902) 542 0368
Fax (902) 542 5066

Description & Services

Information One-time requests to support extraordinary operational events and initiatives. These requests may be considered by Council using the following criteria:
  • The request is greater than $2000
  • Only one application per organization may be approved every four years
  • The request is aligned with Council’s Strategic Plan
  • All criteria outlined in application is met
  • The financial capacity/local economy of the day is considered
  • The funding of the request would be in addition to the grants to organization budget allowance
  • Funding will be provided either in one lump sum amount and expensed in the year it is approved or through multi-year payments. Funding provided over multiple years will be subject to annual budget approval by Council and may be subject to change.
Visit the provided website for the application form. One-time requests to support capital campaigns and projects. These requests may be considered by Council using the following criteria:
  • The request is greater than $5,000
  • Only one application per organization may be approved every eight years
  • The request is aligned with Council’s Strategic Plan
  • All criteria outlined in application is met
  • The financial capacity/local economy of the day is considered
  • The funding of the request would be in addition to the grants to organization budget allowance
  • Funding will be provided either in one lump sum amount and expensed in the year it is approved or through multi-year payments. Funding provided over multiple years will be subject to annual budget approval by Council and may be subject to change.
Visit the provided website for the application form.
Dates Suggested date for submission is November 1st of each year
Applications may be submitted throughout the year. Council reserves the right to refer the request to the following year’s budget process if they deem so appropriate. Budget deliberations begin in November of each year.