Bridgewater Triathlon Club

Record #: TOB0086
Last Modified: 01 Dec 2020
Last Full Update: 01 Dec 2020


Public Bulletin Are you looking for funding to register your child in a sport or recreational opportunity?  
To find out more about funding options that are available in your area check out our page for Funding assistance for Families
There are no physical or fitness prerequisites, however members are personally responsible to ensure that they are medically capable of participating in multisport activities if they plan to engage in training with the club.


Located In Bridgewater
Where To Find Us
Bridgewater, NS
Areas Served South Shore Region


Contact Heather Foote, President, Bridgewater Triathlon Club; Phone: 902-543-6706; Email:
Mailing Address c/o David Aggett, Club Communications 
254 Maders Cove Rd 
Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0

Description & Services

The Bridgewater Triathlon Club provides a safe and supportive environment for new and experienced triathletes in the pursuit of their personal goals for swimming, biking and running. We also host an annual multi-sport event -- the Riverport Duathlon. 
The club conducts a series of practices and events throughout the year. We also inform our members about related events that may be beneficial to multi-sport athletes. Our website has an up to date calendar - check it out! 
Our club is open to men and women of all ages and abilities. Athletes under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. 
Your membership includes: 
- participate in our 9 week 'My First Triathlon' program at Fancy Lake 
- insurance at BTC organized practices 
- email updates about the Bridgewater Triathlon Club and information related to multi-sport 
- eligible for any club discounts and promotions 
- access to club equipment 
- eligible to vote in the BTC's annual election 
Also includes membership in our sanctioning body -- Triathlon Nova Scotia including: 
- insurance coverage for TNS sanctioned events 
- insurance coverage for TNS races 
- any additional benefits available to TNS members 
The Bridgewater Triathlon Club also assists Bridgewater Parks and Recreation with the Annual South Shore Kids' Triathlon. Our members help with the organizing as well as on event day.
Eligibility Ages: 13 year(s) and up 
Members under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.