Trinity St. Stephen's United Church

Record #:
Last Modified:
16 May 2022
Last Full Update:
16 May 2022
Located In | Amherst |
Where To Find Us | Trinity-St. Stephen's United Church 1 Ratchford St Amherst, NS |
Areas Served | Amherst and Area |
Social Media | ![]() |
Website | | | |
Phone | 902-667-8483 |
Contact | Erika Benjamin, Office Administrator |
Description & Services
Information | In addition to weekly worship services, Trinity-St. Stephen's United Church has a church choir, and Sunday School, and offers outreach programs and fellowship opportunities: Parents ‘n Tots is an informal social time for preschoolers with their parents, grandparents and/or caregivers. They provide space to play, including small ride-on toys, playdough table, play kitchen and a special area for babies. Coffee and tea are provided for adults as is a healthy snack of juice, cheese and crackers and cookies for the children. It’s a great opportunity for newcomers to the area who have small children and for new parents who are looking for some social time for themselves and their little ones. There is no charge, although a small donation for snack food is appreciated. United Church Women units are comprised of the women of Trinity-St. Stephen’s. They meet monthly and are open to all women who agree with the UCW purpose and missions. Friends Unlimited gathers monthly for a pot-luck supper, followed by games, including cards, dominoes, and bowling. Open Circle Drop In meets weekly for games and a cup of coffee or tea and a light lunch. Our group was named “Open Circle” to include folks from the area who just want to get together for a relaxing afternoon playing dominoes and cards or other games. All are welcome. Goodtimers are a men’s group who meet monthly for supper, fellowship and games (such as dominoes, shuffleboard and pool). They go to a local restaurant for supper and return to the church for games. All men of the church and friends are welcome to attend. Some church members volunteer at the Food Bank in Amherst every other month on Mondays. They also receive donations at the church for items and these items are taken to the Food Bank or are placed in the “birthday bags” that the church supplies. Church members can regularly visit members or adherents who may not be able to attend services, be they at home, at nursing homes or other residential care. They deliver bulletins, offer fellowship and company, or keep them aware of church news and events. |
Meetings | Sundays: Worship Service: 10:30 am Youth Christian Education (Sunday School) is available at a designated time during Sunday's Worship Services. Trinity Youth Singers: 11:45 am Wednesdays Good Timers: Last Wednesday evening of the month. Mondays Bible Study: 10:00 am Open Circle Drop-In: 1:30 pm Church Choir: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Fridays Parents n' Tots: 10:00 am to 11:30 am in Heartz Hall Saturday Friends Unlimited: Last Saturday of the month at 6:00 pm |
Public Bulletin | Dick's Jamboree November 1st/ 8th/ 29th/ Dec 6th |