Prince of Wales Lodge (Masonic)

Record #: ROQ0180
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2015
Last Full Update: 22 Oct 2014


Located In Milton (Queens Co.)
Where To Find Us
Hwy 8
Milton, NS
Areas Served Queens County (NS)


Phone 902-685-3248
Contact Claire Roode, Secretary
Mailing Address c/o Claire Roode 
67 Islandview Terrace 
Labelle, NS B4V 8V3

Description & Services

Information The work of the Foundation is of great significance to all Freemasons in Nova Scotia and charitable giving is a privilege taken very seriously.  
As a purely private organization Freemasons are proud to be working quietly within their communities for the benefit of those less fortunate. However, this gives us no right to be complacent with our results.  
We all strive to be just a little more involved in our community quietly providing help where we can and providing financial support to worthy charitable causes. 
In keeping with the Masonic mission to practice charity, to provide financial assistance to worthy grade twelve students who will pursue a post secondary education leading to a degree from an approved institution in Atlantic Canada or a diploma or certificate from a Community College and to raise the public profile of the Masonic Fraternity; in particular among the young adult population from whom our future membership will come. 
Annually we choose local charities to donate to and the Grand Lodge will add 3 times the donated amount from our Lodge.
Eligibility Ages: 21 year(s) and up

Special Information

Tags Community Organizations ; Recreation Categories ; South Shore Connect