North Queens Board of Trade

Record #: ROQ0122
Last Modified: 27 Oct 2014
Last Full Update: 27 Oct 2014


Located In Caledonia (Queens Co.)
Where To Find Us
North Queens Community School
40 W Caledonia Rd
Caledonia, NS
Areas Served Queens County (NS)


Phone 902-682-7115
Contact Peter van Dyk, Board Member

Description & Services

Information The Board of Trade meets on the first Tuesday of each month, except July, August and December, and the Annual General Meeting is held in April. 
Meetings are usually held at 7pm in the High School library, unless advertised differently. All meetings are open to non-members who are welcome to come along, but the business of the group is limited to BoT members, e.g. tabling of motions and voting. 
Membership of the BoT is open to individuals and businesses in Queens County and is renewed after each AGM. Anyone who would like to join is encouraged to come along to a meeting, or to contact the Treasurer as below. 
The North Queens Board of Trade aims to be a positive, active forum in our community, and would welcome your involvement.