Located In | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Where To Find Us | 1600 Bedford Hwy, Suite 201 Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region), NS Canada B4A 1E8 |
Areas Served | Nova Scotia |
Description & Services
Information | Recreation Nova Scotia is a provincial, not-for-profit organization established in 1998 resulting from a merger of the Recreation Association of Nova Scotia, the Recreation Council on Disability in Nova Scotia, and Volunteer Nova Scotia. In partnership with the volunteers and professional recreation community, Recreation Nova Scotia advocates on behalf of all Nova Scotians for recreation and leisure opportunities to promote the values and personal, social, economic, and environmental benefits of recreation and leisure. Recreation Nova Scotia is committed to maintaining relationships with recreation practitioners, community organizations, government officials, students, the business sector and other professionals in the recreation field to ensure that all Nova Scotians have access to recreation activities that contribute to improved quality of life and healthy communities. Recreation Nova Scotia is located in Mi'kmaqi, the traditional unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq people. COVID-19 Response and updates: Recreation Nova Scotia provides connections to resources through their Facebook Page and website: https://www.recreationns.ns.ca/outdoor-backyard-activities.html Activities include outdoor games and backyard activities, for kids and families. |
Special Information
Tags | Annapolis Valley Connect ; Cape Breton Connect ; COVID- Activities for Kids and Families ; COVID- Best Practices for Rec ; COVID- Online fitness/physical activities ; COVID- Stay active Outdoors ; Fundy Connect ; HALIFAX ; Highland Connect ; NS Trail Guide ; Provincial Recreation Organizations ; Recreation Categories ; South Shore Connect |