Shelburne Regional High School Advisory Council

Record #: MDS0136
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2017
Last Full Update: 24 Oct 2017


Located In Shelburne County
Where To Find Us
415 Woodlawn Dr, PO Box 10
Shelburne, NS B0T 1W0
Areas Served Shelburne County


Phone 902-875-4900
Contact Tara Goulden, Principal
Alternate Contact Byron MacAlpine, Vice Principal
Fax 902-875-4909

Description & Services

Information The Shelburne Regional High School Advisory Council will have 12 members including two teachers, three parents, one support staff, three community members and two students. The principal shall serve as a permanent non-voting member. 
The Shelburne Regional High School Advisory Council will be responsible for: 
Providing all partners with a vote in decision making. 
Collaborating with all school staff to develop and recommend to the School Board a school improvement plan, with any revision, on an agreed upon date. 
Assisting in developing policies which promote academic excellence and a positive learning climate. 
Developing ways and strategies to improve and support extra curricular programs and special projects of the school. 
Advising the principal and staff on school level issues related to curriculum and programs, school practices and policies (such as student discipline) and parent school communication. 
Advising the school board on program changes, student support services, policy development and funding issues. 
Preparing an annual report that describes school improvement activities taken during the year, specific results that have been achieved and factors that influenced results. 
Maintaining effective communication among the partners by holding regular, open public meetings and circulating written information. 
Assisting with the selection of the principal of the school in accordance with provincial and school board guidelines in the event of a true vacancy. 
Council will review annually the school Discipline and Behavior Policy, but not individual cases. 
Making by-laws to provide structure and operating procedures for the council.