Hinchinbrook Farm Society

Therapeutic Riding Facility, Blockhouse

Record #: MDL0087
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2020
Last Full Update: 04 Aug 2016


Public Bulletin sign up at www.hinchinbrookfarm.com


Located In Blockhouse
Where To Find Us
652 Hwy 325, Box 6
Blockhouse, NS B0J 1E0
Areas Served Lunenburg County


Social Media Facebook
Website www.hinchinbrookfarm.com
E-Mail info@hinchinbrookfarm.com
Phone 902-624-0603
Contact Patricia McGill, Program Director, Hinchinbrook Farm Society; Email: info@hinchinbrookfarm.com
Alternate Contact Carol Rolfe-Higney, President, Hinchinbrook Farm Society; Email: info@hinchinbrookfarm.com
Mailing Address c/o Hinchinbrook Farm Society 
PO Box 6 
652 Highway 325 
Blockhouse, NS 
Canada B0J 1E0
Volunteers Wanted (Email) info@hinchinbrookfarm.com
Volunteer Opportunity Ages 14+, interview, registration & training required, helpers assist at therapeutic riding and family play dates, chores, trail maintenance, equipment and animal care.

Description & Services

Therapeutic Riding 
-Equine Assisted learning and therapies. 
Our Therapeutic Riding Instructor has been certified since 1990 and offers traditional therapeutic riding (one-on-one) as well as "ther-a-play" group sessions for families with special needs children. 
-Equipment, lesson content, horse activities and recreational games/challenges are all chosen depending on the individual rider. 
-Activities take place in the stable, on the trails, in the riding ring, in the paddock, in and at the pond, in the woods and on the rails to trails path to Blockhouse. 
-Lessons are by appointment only, assessment made by the Program Director to ensure therapy can safely and purposefully provided. Then Doctor's Referral, registration and necessary documents are provided  
-Volunteers are especially trained and are enthusiastic coaches and become special friends. As they log more hours, increased training is provided in areas such as first aid, animal care and special education. 
-Therapeutic riding reduces spasms, atrophy, incontinence and high blood pressure. The activities increase balance, mobility, body awareness, circulation, strength, co-ordination, muscle tone and endurance. In educational applications, therapeutic riding improves communication, behaviour, task management, and sequential and cognitive thinking. Activities with the volunteers facilitates social contact, builds confidence, develops self esteem and increases social interaction for the children. the volunteers learn patience, new skills and potential careers. Seniors appreciate the peace of mind they get from helping the most vulnerable in our community and they get personal therapeutic results from working with our trained horses. 
-Hinchinbrook Farm special annual events include Open Stable, Autism Awareness Day, Easter egg Hunt and horses, Annual Family Picnic at the Farm, Halloween and Horses. 
Hinchinbrook Farm is a Canadian Registered Charity #842984403RR0001. The Farm offers training and fosters safe and effective therapeutic riding through promotional events and awareness campaigns. In additional to our on-site activities that operate year round, in all seasons and all weather, we manage the "Silent Santa" event at the South Shore Centre mall in Bridgewater. 
Please contact the farm to learn more or to donate or volunteer. 
Clients may be 2 years old up to 60 years old, volunteers must be at least 14 years old due to insurance policy contract. Always need ADULT volunteers to manage lessons when school is open as teenagers are not available then.
Eligibility Ages: 14 year(s) and up 
Volunteers 14 and up and physically fit. We accommodate disabilities when safe for all parties. 
Therapeutic programs for children of any age and adults as well - must be doctor referred
Hours by appointment
Dates January through December
Meetings One annual members meeting. 10 Board meetings. Regular half to one day training sessions
Accessibility As needed