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Provincial Volunteer Week

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

Record #: MDL0069
Last Modified: 08 Dec 2020
Last Full Update: 08 Dec 2020


Located In Bridgewater
Where To Find Us 10 Allée Champlain Drive
Cookville, NS B4V 9E4
Areas Served Lunenburg County


Phone 902-541-1343
Contact Kristy Kaizer; Phone: 902-541-1343
Mailing Address c/o Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Department 
10 Allée Champlain Drive 
Cookville, NS B4V 4G8

Description & Services

Information Provincial Volunteer Week 
“Passion, Action, Impact” Volunteer Recognition
Nominations are being accepted for the following: 
1. A volunteer who fits the category of Outstanding Volunteer for the Municipality of Lunenburg. We will choose one person to represent the Municipality at the Provincial Awards Ceremony, sponsored by Recreation Nova Scotia. 
2. Recreation Nova Scotia accepts nominations for Specialty Awards: Model Volunteer Community, Youth Volunteer, Corporate and Small Business Volunteer, Volunteer Family Click here for more information or call (902) 425-1128. 
3. Community organizations and clubs are invited to send two representatives to the Municipal Reception to be held during Volunteer Week. Include the name, address, phone number, email, name of the organization they represent and a photo. A digital photo emailed to is preferred. Volunteers are the heart of our community! 
Please call 902-541-1343 for a nomination form or pick one up at the Municipal office, 10 Allée Champlain Drive.