Camp Pugwash

Seventh Day Adventist Summer Camp

Record #: MCC0136
Last Modified: 24 Jul 2017
Last Full Update: 24 Jul 2017


Located In Pugwash
Where To Find Us
Camp Pugwash
2197 Gulf Shore Rd
Pugwash, NS B0K 1L0
Areas Served Fundy Region


Phone June 24th to August 4th: 902-243-2097

Description & Services

Information It is Camp Pugwash's goal to provide every camper with an experience that supports social and physical growth in a positive Christian atmosphere. The program is designed to assist campers in developing life skills and self-confidence by promoting sportsmanship, emphasizing teamwork, teaching responsibility and building self-esteem. Camp Pugwash is staffed by Christian young adults, sensitive to the needs of the individual camper. All counselors are first aid trained and certified. Camp activities include craft building, swimming, water sports, archery, rocketry, as well as outdoor games, activities, and campfires. There is also a horse camp where campers improve their riding skills, as well learn how to better care for and understand horses.

Special Information

Tags Archery ; Fundy Connect ; Horseback Riding ; Recreation Categories ; Religion / Spiritual Development ; Residential Camp ; Youth