Paddle Lunenburg/Queens
Lake Notes

Record #:
Last Modified:
20 Dec 2018
Last Full Update:
06 Nov 2014
Public Bulletin | Neither South Shore nor the Lunenburg-Queens Recreational Coordinators/Directors Association own or control the canoe routes, portages or campsites listed in this guide, and assume no responsibility or liability for the safety of those using the canoe routes, walking the portages, or using the campsites. lt is recommended that users approach all canoe routes, portages and campsites in a safe and responsible manner. Conditions can change through fluctuating water levels, natural debris, and logging activity. Arrangements must be made directly with the owners of the portages and campsites. South Shore and Lunenburg-Queens Recreational Coordinators/Directors Association are not liable for any errors or omissions in this guide. |
Located In | South Shore Region |
Where To Find Us | NS |
Areas Served | Lunenburg County ; Queens County (NS) |
Contact | |
Phone | 902-275-3490 |
Contact | Chad Haughn, President, LQRCDA |
Description & Services
Information | Lake Notes These notes provide a few basic pointers about lake travel but are far from complete. Further reading from the list of books in the Bibliography is recommended. No book however can replace skills and common sense. Lake water and canoe tripping clinics are offered through Canoe Nova Scotia and are invaluable for learning the strokes, rescue and camping techniques needed for safe lake travel. Tannic Acid The lake and river water in this region of Nova Scotia is a clear brown colour due to tannic acid from the decompositon of vegetation in the many bogs and marshlands feeding the extensive watersheds. It can make lake and river travel tricky for unwary paddlers since rocks and other obstacles can be difficult to see. Wind The prevalent wind in these two counties according to Environment Canada is from the southwest in the summer and the northwest in the winter. They added that this is subject to change if a weather front is coming. In other words, the wind direction can change completely within your day trip. It is also affected by the local landscape. For example hills and the orientation of a lake will change the direction of the wind. Get the local weather information including wind direction and speed the day of or the day before your trip, if possible, and consider how it may affect your route. Once at your launch site, you may have to modify your route plans if the wind has changed direction or become stronger. Winds may be calmer in the morning or evening. Lee Shore Apparently this term means the windy shore for sailors and the sheltered shore for paddlers. For paddlers, the lee shore (or on the lee) is the shoreline that is protected by hills, trees and other wind blocks making for easier paddling. When it is really windy, pick out a protected route along the lee shore looking for calmer waters. Make use of island hopping, and the tide if possible. Sometimes it is safer to take a longer route along the lee shore than to paddle across exposed waters. Swells As noted in the route descriptions, some lakes are quite large and shallow and swells can develop very rapidly. If this happens, keep the bow pointing more or less into the swell as you paddle along. Try not to get sideways to the swell. Take a zizag course if necessary to get to where you’re going. In a canoe, it may be helpful for both paddlers to move toward the middle of the boat if possible to lighten up the bow and stern. Islands When you’re on a island-filled lake trying to figure out where you’re going, the islands can be completely disorienting. With practise and a map, you can learn to tell what’s an island and what’s the shoreline behind it. Comparing map contour lines with the hills around you will give you a sense of direction and distance for a quick location fix. Portages If travelling with more gear than can be carried in one carry, remember to multiply the distance by three (over-back-over) and allow enough time. Multi-route trips For experienced paddlers and campers, various multiday wilderness trips are possible by combining two or more lake and river routes. Example One (Seven routes!) Pleasant River> Molega Lake>Wild Cat River & Medway River>Ponhook Lake> Christopher Lakes>Lake Rossignol>Mersey River Two to Liverpool. Example Two McGowan Lake >Medway River One> Ponhook > Medway River Two Example Three Seven Mile Lake > West Branch Medway> Lahave River One and Two |
Eligibility | Ages: 16 year(s) and up Children under 16 with adults - please use own discretion depending on skill level |
Special Information
Established | 1998 |
Tags | Boat Launch ; Canoe/Kayak ; Maps ; Recreation Categories ; South Shore Connect |
Categories - General | Boating Safety Education ; Canoeing ; Kayaking ; Lakes and Ponds ; Maps |