 | CAAWS Conflict Resolution Workshop, Conflict Resolution | Digby (Town) |
 | CAAWS Influencing Change Workshop | Windsor |
 | CAAWS Leading with Confidence Workshop | Windsor |
 | CAAWS Life Balance Workshop | New Minas |
 | Cadance Academy | New Minas |
 | Café au Lait: Mom to Mom Breastfeeding Group | Kentville |
 | Caledonia Visitor Information Centre Committee, Caledonia Visitor Information Centre | Caledonia (Queens Co.) |
 | Cambridge & District Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Cambridge & District Elementary School Home & School Association | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Cambridge United Baptist Church | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Camp Mockingee, Rotary Youth Camp | Upper Vaughan |
| Camping Association of Nova Scotia, Camping Association of Nova Scotia & PEI | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
 | Canaan Country Music Fest | Canaan |
 | Canaan Hall, Canaan Community Association | Canaan |
 | Canada's Parks Day, Parks Day at Fort Anne | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Nova Scotia Division, Relay For Life in Clare and Digby | Municipalité de - Clare - Municipality |
| Canadian Federation of University Women- Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Kings County Branch | New Minas |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Kentville Service Centre | Kentville |
| Canadian Ski Patrol, Nova Scotia Zone | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Candlelight Graveyard Tour | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canning & District Recreational Commission | Canning |
| Canning Community Wide Yard Sale | Canning |
 | Canning Heritage Centre, Fieldwood Heritage Society | Canning |
 | Canning Learns to Skate | Canning |
 | Canning Summer Activity Camp | Canning |
 | Canning Summer Kick Off Party (19+) | Canning |
| Canning Summer Movie Night | Canning |
 | Canning United Baptist Church | Canning |
 | Canning Volunteer Fire Department | Canning |
 | Canning Volunteer Fire Department, Hall Rental | Canning |
 | Canoe & Pedal Boat Rentals, Raven Haven Beachside Family Park | West Springhill |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 1 - Lambs and Crotchet Lakes | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 10 - Lake LaRose and Jerry Lake | Perotte |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 11 – Barrys Stillwater | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 12 – Corbett and Dalhousie Lakes | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 13 – Paradise Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 14 – Lake Alma | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 15 – McGill Lake | West Dalhousie |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 16 – Waterloo and Shannon Lakes | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 17 – Springfield Lake and Lake Pleasant | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 18 – Nictaux River | Springfield (Anna. Co.) |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 19 – Annapolis River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 2 - Grand Lake and Grand Lake Flowage | Graywood |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 20 – Allains River | Annapolis Royal |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 21 – East Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 22 – West Branch Medway River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 23 – Mersey River | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 24 – Annapolis Basin | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 25 – Cloud Lake | Torbrook East |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 26 - Lake Torment | Lake Munro |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 27 - Tobeatic Wilderness Area | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 3 - Sandy Bottom Lake | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 4 - Milford Lakes | Milford |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 5 - Flanders Meadows | Victory |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 7 – Hendry Lake | Annapolis County |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 8 - First and Second Pond | Greenland |
 | Canoe Annapolis County, Route 9 – Bear River | Bear River |
 | Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia, CKNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Cape Split Trail, Provincial Day-use Park | Scot's Bay |
 | Cape St. Mary Lighthouse | Cape St. Marys |
 | Card Parties | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Card Parties, Berwick & District Lions Club | Berwick |
 | Card Parties, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
 | Card Parties, Nicholsville Community Hall | Nicholsville |
 | Card Parties, Northville Farm Heritage Centre | Billtown |
 | Card Parties, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 22 | Bear River |
 | Card Party and Seniors Club, Morristown Community Centre | Morristown (Kings Co.) |
 | Cardio Kickboxing, Young's Uechi-Ryu Karate & Fitness | New Minas |
 | Caregiver Support Group, Kings County Caregivers | Kentville |
 | Caregiver Support Group - Peer Support, Caregivers Nova Scotia | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Caregiver/Child Swims (ages 6 months and up), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Caregiver/Child/Family Drop In Gym, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Carolina Avenue Park | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Carpet Bowling, 50+ | Kentville |
 | Castle Frederick Farms Inc | Falmouth |
 | Castle Frederick Farms Trails | Falmouth |
 | Celebration Days, New Minas Recreation | New Minas |
| Centennial Cycling Club | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Centennial Park | Berwick |
 | Centennial Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Central Grove Trail, Central Grove Provincial Park | Central Grove |
 | Central Kings Rural High School, Annapolis Valley Regional School Board | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Centrelea Community Hall, Centrelea Community Club | Centrelea |
 | Centrelea United Baptist Church | Centrelea |
 | CentreStage Theatre | Kentville |
 | Centreville & District Park & Recreation Association | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Baptist Church | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Community Hall | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Centreville Park, Percy A. Lydiard Park | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Chair Yoga | Port Williams |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Chair Yoga | West Hants |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Yoga | West Hants |
| Chair Yoga For Positive Aging, Yoga | West Hants |
 | Champlain Elementary School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Granville Ferry |
 | Champlain Garden Club | Annapolis Royal |
 | Charing Cross Garden Club, Located in New Ross, N0va Scotia | New Ross |
 | Charles Fort National Historic Site, Parks Canada | Annapolis Royal |
 | Charles Macdonald Concrete House Museum | Centreville (Kings Co.) |
 | Charlies Trail, Delaps Cove Wilderness Trail | Delaps Cove |
 | Cheverie Beach | Cheverie |
 | Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail | Cheverie |
 | Children’s Swimming Lessons, King's-Edgehill School | Windsor |
 | Chittick Park, West Hants Parks and Recreation | Hantsport |
 | Christ Church Berwick | Berwick |
 | Christ Church Morden | Morden |
 | Christ Church of Windsor | Windsor |
 | Christian Fellowship Centre | Wilmot |
 | Christmas Tree Lighting | Berwick |
 | Church of Christ | North Kentville |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | Granville Ferry |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | North Kentville |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Churchill House, Hantsport Memorial Community Centre | Hantsport |
| CIBC Children's Foundation | Nova Scotia |
 | Cineplex Cinemas New Minas | New Minas |
 | Clairmont Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Clarence Community Hall, Clarence Community Club | Clarence East |
 | Clarence United Baptist Church | Central Clarence |
 | Clark Rutherford Memorial School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Clementsport |
 | Clean Annapolis River Project, CARP | Annapolis Royal |
 | Clements Historical Society | Clementsport |
 | Clifton Estate Disc Golf Course | Windsor |
 | Climb Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Cloud Lake Wildnerness Area | Annapolis County |
| Coach Socialization Series, Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic | Nova Scotia |
 | Co-Ed Circuit Training, Kingsport Fitness and Wellness Society | Kingsport |
| Co-Ed Slow Pitch, Softball/Baseball | Port Williams |
 | Co-Ed Volleyball, Annapolis Royal Recreation | Annapolis Royal |
 | Coffee & Chat | Hall's Harbour |
 | Coldbrook & District School, Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook and District Lions Club | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook and District Lions Club, Hall Rental | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Baptist Church | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Coldbrook |
 | Coldbrook Ravine Park & Trail | Coldbrook |
 | Coldest Night of the Year | Kentville |
 | Community ACCESS-Ability Program, Government of Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Community Easter Egg Hunt 2020, Easter Egg Hunt | West Hants |
 | Community Festivals & Special Events Grant, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Community Hall Assistance Fund, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Community Health Board, Annapolis | Annapolis County |
 | Community Health Board, Central Kings | Berwick |
 | Community Health Board, Kingston Greenwood | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Community Health Board, West Hants/Uniacke | West Hants |
 | Community Partnership Program Grant, Town of Wolfville | Wolfville |
 | Community Recreation Programming Assistance, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Competitive Pickleball, Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
 | Cooking Classes, President's Choice Cooking School | New Minas |
 | Cooking Classes, President's Choice Cooking School | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Cooking Classes, Birthday Parties & Room Rentals, President's Choice Cooking School | Windsor |
 | CORAH, A Community Hub for Those 55 to 105 | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
 | Corn Maze, Noggins Corner Farm Market | Greenwich |
 | Cornwallis Park Community Centre, Felker Hall | Cornwallis Park |
 | Cornwallis River Greenway, Cornwallis River Pathways Society (CRPS) | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | Corporate Rentals, Cineplex Cinemas New Minas | New Minas |
 | Cottage Cove Provincial Park, Provincial Day-use Park | Port George |
 | Cotton Tale Café + Play | New Minas |
 | Councillor Grants to Organizations, Municipality of the County of Kings | Kings County (NS) |
 | Cove Oceanfront Campground | Parkers Cove |
 | Covenanter Church, Orchard Valley United Church | Grand Pré |
 | Covenanters Presbyterian Church, Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod | Cambridge (Kings Co.) |
 | COVID-19 Links and Resources via Town of Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
 | Coyote Hill Golf Course | Newport Corner |
 | Creative Movement/Introduction to Dance (ages 3 - 7 yrs), Windsor Recreation Department | Windsor |
| Creativebug, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
 | Credit Union Centre Arena | Kingston (Kings Co.) |
 | Credit Union Rec Complex, Soccer Dome | Kentville |
 | Crib, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 06 | Kentville |
 | Cross Country Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
 | Cross Country Ski Waxing Session | |
 | Cross County Skis Loan Program, Ski Loan | West Hants |