397 Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron | Trenton |
875 Antigonish Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron | Antigonish, NS |
A for Adventure | Halifax Regional Municipality |
A.G. Baillie Memorial School | New Glasgow |
Abercrombie Community Centre | Abercrombie |
Abercrombie Golf & Country Club | Abercrombie |
Abercrombie Volunteer Fire Department | Abercrombie |
Abercrombie Women's Institute | New Glasgow |
Acadia Park & Trails | Westville |
Acadian Park | Larry's River |
Active Pictou County | Pictou |
Active Start | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Africentric Heritage Park | New Glasgow |
Afrikan Canadian Heritage and Friendship Centre | Guysborough |
Afton Ballfield | Afton, Antigonish County |
Albion Baseball Field | Stellarton |
Albion Boxing Club | Trenton |
Albion Trail | Stellarton |
All For Horses Association | Antigonish, NS |
Allan Park and Playground | Stellarton |
Alma Fire Dept/Hall | Alma |
Alpine Ski Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Alumni Aquatic Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
Anchors Above Zipline Adventures | French River |
Angus L. MacDonald Library, StFX | Antigonish, NS |
Annapolis Valley Recreation Sta(y)tion - Covid-19 | Annapolis Valley Region |
Annex Field | New Glasgow |
Antigonish 55+ Games | St Andrews, Antigonish County |
Antigonish Aikikai, Peter MacLean | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish All Wheels Skatepark | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Angels Baseball Club | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Archery Association | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Arena | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Arts House | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Badminton Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Baseball Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Boat Club | Harbour Centre |
Antigonish Budlight Slowpitch Softball Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Celtics Soccer Club | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Challenger Baseball Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish County 4-H | Antigonish County |
Antigonish County Fire Department/Hall | Beech Hill (Ant. Co.) |
Antigonish County Recreation | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Creative Dance Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish District Girl Guides | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Education Centre | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Farmers Market | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Golf & Country Club | Cloverville, Antigonish County |
Antigonish Heritage Museum | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Highland Dancing Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Highland Games | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Highland Skateboarding Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Hiking & Biking Trails Association | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Landing Trail | Antigonish Landing |
Antigonish Minor Basketball Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Minor Football Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Minor Girls Softball | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Minor Hockey Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Minor Softball | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish North Shore Lookoffs | Antigonish County |
Antigonish Recreation Department Tennis | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Rowing Club | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
Antigonish Sno-Dogs Snowmobile Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Stoirm Volleyball Club | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Therapeutic Riding Association | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Town & County Library: the People's Place Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Wee Lads & Lassies | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Women's Hockey League | Antigonish, NS |
Antigonish Wrestling Club | Antigonish, NS |
Apex Dance | New Glasgow |
Archery Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Arisaig Beach | Antigonish County |
Arisaig Community Recreation | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Arisaig Parish Community Centre Society | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Arisaig Pickleball | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Arisaig Provincial Park & Trails | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Arisaig Wharf and Lighthouse | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Ashlei Ballet School | Stellarton |
Athletics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada | Dartmouth |
Atwater Park | Boylston |
Auld's Cove Ballfield | Aulds Cove |
Auld's Cove Beach | Aulds Cove |
Auld's Cove Recreation Committee | Aulds Cove |
Auld's Cove Wharf | Municipality of the District of Guysborough |
Badminton Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Ballantynes Cove Beach | Ballantynes Cove |
Barrenland Trail | Queensport |
Barrios Beach Wharf | Barrios Beach |
Baseball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Basketball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Bauer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
Bayfield Beach Provincial Park | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
Bayfield Wharf | Bayfield, Antigonish County |
Bayview Community Hall | Bay View |
Beaver Mountain Provincial Park | James River, Antigonish County |
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts | Pictou |
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman® Nova Scotia Association | Nova Scotia |
Berry Head Light Trail | Tor Bay |
Bethany Contemplative Trail | Antigonish, NS |
Bethel Baptist Church Hall | Westville |
Biathlon Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Bicycle Nova Scotia, BNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Big Brothers Big Sisters, of Pictou County | New Glasgow |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canso & Area | Canso |
Big Cove YMCA Camp | Thorburn |
Big Island Beach | Big Island |
Bikes for Kids Pictou County | Pictou County |
Birchwood Campground & Cabins | Lyons Brook |
Bissel Memorial Park | River John |
Black Brook Falls Trail | East River St. Marys |
Black Duck Cove Provincial Park & Trail | Dover |
Blind Sports Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Blue Mountain District Volunteer Fire Department & Community Center | Blue Mountain |
Bluenose Curling Club | New Glasgow |
Bonvie - MacDonald Rinks to Links | Cloverville, Antigonish County |
Boxing Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Boylston Provincial Park | Boylston |
Bridgeville Community Center | Bridgeville |
Bull Hill Trail | New Harbour |
Cairn Park | Antigonish, NS |
Cambrai Legion Hall | Mulgrave |
Camp Geddie | Merigomish |
Camping Association of Nova Scotia, Camping Association of Nova Scotia & PEI | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Canada 55+ Games | Sydney |
Canadian Ski Patrol, Nova Scotia Zone | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Canoe Annapolis County, Route 6 - Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada | Maitland Bridge |
Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia, CKNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Canso & Area Arena | Canso |
Canso & Area Minor Hockey Association | Canso |
Canso Curling Club | Hazel Hill |
Canso Fire Hall | Canso |
Canso Flying Figure Skating Club | Canso |
Canso Library, Eastern Counties Regional Library | Canso |
Canso Lions Club | Canso |
Canso Wharf | Canso |
Cape Canso Marina | Canso |
Cape George Hiking Trails & Day Park | Cape George |
Cape Jack Beach | Cape Jack |
Cape Jack Willow Tree Club | Cape Jack |
Caribou District Fire Department | Three Brooks |
Caribou River Community Hall | Caribou River |
Caribou/Munroes Island Provincial Park Beach & Shoreline Hike | Caribou Central |
Carmichael Park | New Glasgow |
Central Turf Field | Antigonish, NS |
Century Snooker Club | New Glasgow |
CHAD transit | New Glasgow |
Chapel Gully Trail | Canso |
Charles V. Keating Centre | Antigonish, NS |
Chedabucto Curling Club, Community Activity Society | Guysborough |
Chedabucto Education Center/Guysborough Academy | Guysborough |
Chedabucto Legion Hall | Canso |
Chedabucto Lifestyle Complex | Guysborough |
Chedabucto Multi-Use Trails Association | Guysborough |
Chedabucto Place Performance Centre | Guysborough |
Chedabucto Pool | Guysborough County |
Chedabucto Snowmobilers Club | Guysborough |
Chelsea Basketball Court | Westville |
Chestnut Street Playground | Trenton |
Chez Deslauriers, Pomquet Development Society | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Chisholm Park | Antigonish, NS |
Churchville Hall | Churchville |
CIBC Children's Foundation | Nova Scotia |
Cineplex Cinemas Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
Climb Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Coach Socialization Series, Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic | Nova Scotia |
Coastal Spirit Expeditions | River John |
Colonel Dan Sutherland Memorial Park | River John |
Columbus Field Off-Leash Dog Park | Antigonish, NS |
Columbus Field Park, Playground, and Splashpad | Antigonish, NS |
Columbus Field Racquet Courts | Antigonish, NS |
Columbus Field Soccer Pitch and Track | Antigonish, NS |
Commercial Cable Park | Hazel Hill |
Communities Along The Bay Multi Use Facility | Larry's River |
Country Harbour Gun Club | Cross Roads Country Harbour |
COVID-19 Links and Resources via Town of Annapolis Royal | Annapolis Royal |
Craig's Way Footpath | Elmfield |
Cranberry Campground | Merigomish |
Creative Pictou County | Pictou County |
Creativebug, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
Cribbons Point Wharf | Harbour Centre |
Crombie House Art Gallery | New Glasgow |
Cross Country Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Crossfit Actuate | Antigonish, NS |
Crystal Clear Music | New Glasgow |
Culloden Cairn Trail | Knoydart |
Cuties Hollow Trail | James River, Antigonish County |
Cyril Ward Memorial Library | Guysborough |
Dalhousie Mountain Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Dalhousie (Pictou Co.) |
DanceSport Atlantic | Halifax Regional Municipality |
deCoste Performing Arts Centre | Pictou |
District of Lunenburg Recreation at Home COVID-19 | Lunenburg County |
Doctors Nova Scotia Youth Run, Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Dooly's Billiard Room | Antigonish, NS |
Dover (Little Dover) Wharf | Dover |
Down to Earth Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
Dr. W. A. MacLeod Elementary School Woodlands Wilderness Trails | Stellarton |
Dr. W.A. MacLeod Consolidated School | Stellarton |
Drum Head Wharf | Goldboro |
Duck Pond Park | Mulgrave |
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Nova Scotia Division | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Dunns Beach | Southside Harbour |
Durham Community Hall | Durham |
Eagles Chance Golf Centre | New Glasgow |
Earth-Friendly at Home Activities | Wolfville |
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy | Monastery, Antigonish County |
East Pictou Rural Middle School | Thorburn |
East Pictou Silver Blades | Thorburn |
East River St. Mary's Fire Dept/Hall | New Glasgow |
East River Valley Fire Department (Bridgeville)/Hall | Bridgeville |
East River Valley Recreation Hall | Springville |
Eastern Communities Youth Association, ECYA | Canso |
École acadienne de Pomquet | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Ecum Secum Fire Hall | Ecum Secum |
Ecum Secum Wharf | Ecum Secum |
Eddy Point Marina | Sand Point |
Eigg Mountain: Mountain Biking Trail | Arisaig, Antigonish County |
Elm Glen Campground | Springville |
Elmer Humphrey Tennis Courts | Trenton |
Elmfield Community Hall | Elmfield |
Erinville & District Fire Hall | Salmon River Lake |
Eureka District Volunteer Fire Dept/Hall | Eureka |
Evansville Old Timers Field | Stellarton |
F. H. MacDonald Elementary School | Sutherland's River |
Fairmont Ridge Trail | Harbour Centre |
Fall Brook Falls | McPhersons Mills |
Fanning Education Centre | Hazel Hill |
Fanning Fitness Centre | Hazel Hill |
Fencing Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre | Antigonish, NS |
Festival of the Strait | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Field Hockey Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Fitzpatrick Mountain Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Millsville |
Flowing Tide Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga Classes all levels | Bear River |
Football Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Fort Point Trail | Guysborough |
Foster Avenue Playground & Basketball Courts | Stellarton |
Four Valleys Fire Department | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
Fox Brook Community Hall | Fox Brook |
Fox Island Beach | Fox Island Main |
Free Coaching Courses, Coach NS | Nova Scotia |
Freedom Canoe & Kayak | Granton |
Friendly Breezes Stables | Antigonish, NS |
Friendship Corner | Antigonish, NS |
FUNdamentals | Nova Scotia |
G. R. Saunders Elementary School | Stellarton |
G. R. Saunders Elementary School Field | Stellarton |
Gairloch Picnic & Recreation Park | Lansdowne |
Garden of Eden Ballfield / Basketball Court | Garden of Eden |
Garden of Eden Community Centre | Garden of Eden |
Geocaching in Nova Scotia Parks- Passport Program, Nova Scotia Provincial Parks | Nova Scotia |
Girls Only Running Program, Kids' Run Club/Doctors Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
Glasgow Head Beach | Canso |
Glasgow Square Theatre | New Glasgow |
Glen Lovat Golf Club | New Glasgow |
Glengarry Community Center | Glengarry Station |
Good Sheppard Hall | Larry's River |
Goodlife Fitness Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
Goodman Rotary Park | New Glasgow |
Goshen 4-H Club | Goshen |
Goshen Community Centre | Goshen |
Grant School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
Granville Green | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Grassy Island Trail | Canso |
Greenfield Oldsters Club | Melrose |
Greenhill Provincial Park & Trail | Greenhill |
Greenvale Falls | Greenvale |
Griselda Manning Dance & Movement | Scotsburn |
Guidelines for Reopening BC’s Swimming Pools and Waterfronts | |
Guysborough Amateur Athletic Association | Guysborough |
Guysborough Ceilidh Concert Series | Guysborough |
Guysborough County 55+ Games | Guysborough County |
Guysborough County Adult Learning Association | Guysborough |
Guysborough County Heritage Association | Guysborough |
Guysborough County Kids First Family Resource Centre | Guysborough |
Guysborough County Trails Association | Guysborough |
Guysborough Farmers' Market | Guysborough |
Guysborough Historical Society | Guysborough |
Guysborough Legion Hall | Guysborough |
Guysborough Minor Soccer Program | Guysborough County |
Guysborough Municipal Recreation Department | Guysborough |
Guysborough Nature Trail | Guysborough |
Guysborough Tennis Courts | Guysborough |
Guysborough to Salmon River Bridge Trail | Guysborough |
Guysborough Waterfront Marina Wharf | Guysborough |
Guysborough Youth Health and Services Centre | Guysborough |
Gymnastics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
H & R School Of Music | New Glasgow |
Harbour Authority of Ballantynes Cove | Ballantynes Cove |
Harbour Authority of Pictou Landing | Pictou Landing |
Harbour Light Campground | Braeshore |
Harbourview Community Centre | New Harbour |
Havill Family Park | New Glasgow |
Havre Boucher and Area Age to Perfection 50 Plus Club | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher Baseball Field | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher Community Centre | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher Minor Ball | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher Minor Soccer Association | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher TaeKwonDo | Havre Boucher |
Havre Boucher Wharf | Havre Boucher |
Heart&Stroke Walkabout | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Hearthstone Riding Arena | West River Station |
HeartWood, Centre for Community Youth Development | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Heather Bowling Lanes | New Glasgow |
Heather Club 60 | Heatherton |
Heatherton Development Cultural & Wellness Association | Heatherton |
Hector Arena | Pictou |
Hector Quay Visitors Marina | Pictou |
Highland Community Residential Services | Stellarton |
Highland Derby Dolls | New Glasgow |
Highland District Soccer Association | Stellarton |
Highland Tennis Association | Pictou |
Highlander Curling Club, St. Andrews | St. Andrews |
Hike Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Hinkley’s Falls | Scotsburn |
HM MacDonald Elementary School | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
Hockey Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Hopewell Heritage Foot Bridge Nature Trail | Hopewell |
How to Sanitize Playground Equipment in a COVID-19 World, from the Canadian Playground Safety Institute (CPSI) | |
Hyclass Ocean Campground | Havre Boucher |
Indian Harbour Lake & Jordanville Community Centre | Indian Harbour Lake |
Isaac's Harbour Medical Centre | Isaac's Harbour |
Ivor MacDonald Memorial Aena | Thorburn |
IWK Pediatric Rehabilitation Service Equipment Loan Program | Halifax Peninsula |
Jamieson's Music Studio | Antigonish, NS |
Jitney Trail, Pictou Waterfront | Pictou |
Jitney Trail - River John to Pictou | River John |
Joe Earle Victoria Day Road Races | Trenton |
John Chisholm Memorial Recreation Field | Pictou |
John Hecimovich Memorial Playground & Basketball Court | Springville |
John P. Gammon Recreation and Community Center, Scotsburn Recreation Club | Scotsburn |
Johnny Miles Memorial Trail | New Glasgow |
Johnny Miles Running Event Weekend | New Glasgow |
Join a Walk Group in Annapolis Valley!, Berwick | Annapolis County |
Join a Walk Group in Bedford! | Bedford (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
Join a Walk Group in Sackville!, Sackville Greenway | Lower Sackville (Bedford-Sackville Region) |
Judo Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Junior Achievement of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Juniper Head Trail | Dalhousie (Pictou Co.) |
Kanokai Judo Club | New Glasgow |
Karate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Kavanaugh Lake Trail | Dover |
Keating Centre - Auxiliary Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
Keating Centre - Main Rink, St.FX University | Antigonish, NS |
Keating Wellness Centre, StFX University | Antigonish, NS |
Kensington Playground & Picnic Grounds | Stellarton |
Kenzieville Community Center | Kenzieville |
Keppoch Mountain | Antigonish County |
Kids Run Club, Doctors Nova Scotia Healthy Tomorrow Foundation | Nova Scotia |
Kindermusik | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Kinette Club of New Glasgow | Stellarton |
Kinsmen Ballfield | New Glasgow |
Kinsmen Building | Pictou |
Kinsmen Power Skating Program | New Glasgow |
Knights of Columbus New Glasgow Council #1667 | New Glasgow |
Knights of Columbus, Pictou Council # 8608 | Pictou |
Krymsun Farm Herb Best Quarter Horses | New Glasgow |
Lacrosse Nova Scoita | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Lanark Community Hall | Lanark |
L'Arche Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
Larry’s River Community Centre | Larry's River |
Larry's River Wharf | Larry's River |
Laurie Peace Park | New Glasgow |
Lawn Bowls Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Lazy Head Trail | Canso |
Leisure & Active Recreation for Kids, LARK | Pictou County |
Leo Fahey Way Recreation Building, Stellarite Seniors Building | Stellarton |
Les Jeux de l'Acadie | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Let Abilities Work Partnership Society | Pictou County |
Lifesaving Society, Nova Scotia Branch | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Linacy Fire Hall and Community Centre | Linacy |
Lincolnville Community Hall | Lincolnville |
Linwood Beach | Linwood |
Linwood Community Centre | Linwood |
Linwood Community Picnic Area | Linwood |
Linwood Harbour Campground | Havre Boucher |
Linwood Heritage Nature Trail | Linwood |
Linwood Recreation | Linwood |
Liscomb Legion Hall | Spanish Ship Bay |
Liscomb River Trail System | Liscomb River Wilderness Area |
Liscombe Lodge | Liscomb Mills |
Lismore & District Community Centre | Lismore |
Lismore Loop Waking Path & Beach/Park | Lismore |
Little Harbour Community Centre | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
Little Harbour Fire Dept/Hall | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
Little Harbour to Tor Bay Trail | Larry's River |
Little Harbour Walking Biking Trail Society | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
Little Liscomb Wharf | Liscomb |
Livingstone Cove Beach | Livingstone Cove |
Livingstone Cove Wharf, Park & Beach | Livingstone Cove |
Lochaber Community Development Association | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
Lochiel Lake Provincial Park | Lochiel Lake |
Lorne Community Centre "The Hall" | Lorne |
Lower South River Ball Fields | Lower South River |
Lower South River Community Centre | Lower South River |
Loyalist Trail Park | Stormont |
Lundy Fire Tower Trail | Larry's River |
Lyons Brook Community Hall | Lyons Brook |
Lyons Brook Recreation Association Betsey Park | Lyons Brook |
MacKay Brook Falls | Scotsburn |
MacLellan's Brook Community Center & Playground | McLellans Brook |
MacLeod School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
MacPherson's Mills Community Hall | McPhersons Mills |
Mahoney’s Beach Trail | Mahoney's Beach |
Mahoney's Beach | Mahoney's Beach |
Making Tracks, Active Transportation Safety Training | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Malignant Cove Beach | Malignant Cove |
Marathon of Respect and Equality, MORE Run | Pictou County |
Marie Joseph Provincial Park | Marie Joseph |
Marie Joseph Wharf | Marie Joseph |
Marie Peeples Park | Pirate Harbour |
Mariposa East Skating Centre | New Glasgow |
Maritime Fiddlers Association | Falmouth |
Maritime Truck & Tractor Pull Association | James River, Antigonish County |
Maryvale Community Hall | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
McCulloch Education Centre | Pictou |
McCulloch House Museum & Geneology Centre, Hector Exhibit Centre & Archives | Pictou |
McPherson Mills Trail | McPhersons Mills |
Meadowville & Poplar Hill Community Hall | Meadowville |
Melmerby Beach Provincial Park | Little Harbour (Pictou Co.) |
Melville-Seafoam Community Hall | Melville |
Men's Health Centre Guysborough | Guysborough |
Merigomish & District Vol. Fire Dept/Hall | Lower Barney's River |
Merigomish and Area Recreation and Social Association, MARSA | Merigomish |
Michael Wayne Rec Centre | Pictou Landing |
Michelin Athletic & Social Club | Granton |
Michelin Athletic & Social Club Ballfield | Granton |
Middletown Road Trail | Guysborough County |
Mill Brook Community Hall | Millbrook |
Mini Trail (Lakevale) Community Centre | Lakevale |
Mobility Health & Fitness, New Glasgow | New Glasgow |
Monastery Ballfield | Monastery, Antigonish County |
Monks Head Beach | Monks Head |
Monsignor Donnelly Hall | Monastery, Antigonish County |
Mountain Equipment Co-op, MEC Events | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Mulgrave Community Pool | Mulgrave |
Mulgrave Library, RSpace | Mulgrave |
Mulgrave Memorial Education Centre | Mulgrave |
Mulgrave Recreation Department | Mulgrave |
Mulgrave Road Theatre | Guysborough |
Mulgrave Soccer | Mulgrave |
Mulgrave Youth Center | Mulgrave |
Multicultural Association of Pictou County | New Glasgow |
Munroe Avenue Playground | New Glasgow |
Murdoch Park | New Glasgow |
Myettes Beach | Tracadie |
National Coaches Week, #ThanksCoach | Nova Scotia |
New Caledonian Curling Club | Pictou |
New Chester Community Club | New Chester |
New Glasgow 50 Plus Club | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow African Nova Scotian Community Development | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Dirtbike/Skateboard Park | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Fire Department & Hall | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Karate Club | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Kinsmen Minor Baseball Program | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow Riverfront Gazebo | New Glasgow |
New Glasgow's Art at Night | New Glasgow |
New Harbour & Area Fitness Centre | New Harbour |
New Harbour Beach | New Harbour |
New Harbour Wharf | Larry's River |
New Horizons for Seniors Program, Employment and Social Development Canada | Prince Edward Island |
Nimrods Campground, St. Mary's Fish & Game Association | Sherbrooke |
Nordic Pole Walking Nova Scotia, ...a better way to walk. | Halifax Regional Municipality |
North End Recreation Centre | New Glasgow |
North Nova Education Centre | New Glasgow |
North Shore Fire Hall | Cape George |
Northern Nova Soccer Club | Pictou County |
Northern Region Respite Services | New Glasgow |
Northumberland Karate Club | Trenton |
Northumberland Regional High School | Westville |
Northumberland Strait Shooters Archery Club, NSSAC | Westville |
Northumberland Strait Shooters Archery Club, Para-Archers Group | Westville |
Nova Scotia 55 Plus Games | Nova Scotia |
Nova Scotia Amateur Diving Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Ball Hockey Association | Halifax Peninsula |
Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage, Community, Sport and Recreation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Cricket Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Curling Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Disc Sport Society, DiscNS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Federation of Anglers and Hunters | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Golf Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Horseshoe Players Association, Horseshoe Canada | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association, NSORRA | New Minas |
Nova Scotia Outdoor Network, Get the inside on the outside | Halifax Peninsula |
Nova Scotia Powerlifting Association | Sydney |
Nova Scotia Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Rifle Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Table Tennis | Dartmouth |
Nova Scotia Trails Federation | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Nova Scotia Water Ski Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Ogden to Salmon River Lake Trail | Ogden |
Old Foster Trail | Stellarton |
Old Station Stables | Frankville |
Online Fun for Seniors | Antigonish County |
Online Learning Resources | Antigonish County |
Online Physical Activity Resources | Antigonish County |
Orienteering Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Osprey Shores Golf Resort | Guysborough |
Outdoor Council of Canada - COVID 19 Guidelines for Led Outdoor Activity | Nova Scotia |
Paddle Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
Paq'tnkek First Nation | Afton, Antigonish County |
Parc de nos Ancêtres | Larry's River |
Park Falls | Sutherland's River |
Parks Canada BioBlitz, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Maitland Bridge |
Pathways Yoga | Guysborough |
PHAST Swim Team, Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
PiCCoLA, Pictou County Continuous Learning Association | Pictou |
Pictou Academy | Pictou |
Pictou and Area Garden Club | Pictou |
Pictou and Area Lions Club | Pictou |
Pictou Campus Gym, Nova Scotia Community College | Stellarton |
Pictou Community New Horizon's 50+ Club | Pictou |
Pictou County 4-H | Pictou County |
Pictou County Basketball Association, Lightning Basketball | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Bike Week | Pictou County |
Pictou County Children with Autism Association | Stellarton |
Pictou County Council of Seniors | Pictou County |
Pictou County Cycle Ltd. & Bike Club | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Early Intervention Association | Pictou County |
Pictou County Gymnastics Club | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Invasion Volleyball Association | Pictou County |
Pictou County Kids First Family Resource Centre | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Ladies Fastpitch League | Pictou |
Pictou County Light Horse Club | Westville |
Pictou County Light Horse Club Facilities | Pictou |
Pictou County Mariners | Pictou |
Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range | Stellarton |
Pictou County Minor Hockey Association | Pictou County |
Pictou County Paddle & Oar | Stellarton |
Pictou County Partners For Children, Youth, and Families | Pictou County |
Pictou County Rainbow Community | Pictou County |
Pictou County Recreation | Pictou |
Pictou County Recreation & Athletics Society | Stellarton |
Pictou County Rugby Club | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Seniors Festival | Trenton |
Pictou County Special Olympics | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Sports Heritage Hall of Fame | New Glasgow |
Pictou County Squash Courts | Stellarton |
Pictou County Trails Association | Pictou |
Pictou County Trap & Skeet Club Shooting Range & Sporting Clay | Stellarton |
Pictou County Wellness Centre | New Glasgow |
Pictou District Girl Guides, Girl Guides Of Canada | Pictou |
Pictou Exhibition Grounds | Pictou |
Pictou Fire Hall | Pictou |
Pictou Fisheries Training Pool, Pictou Recreation Aquatics | Pictou |
Pictou Gentlemen's Slowpitch League | Pictou |
Pictou Historical Photograph Society | Pictou |
Pictou Island Beach | Caribou |
Pictou Island Fire Hall and Community Centre | Pictou Island |
Pictou Landing Fire Dept/Hall | Pictou Landing |
Pictou Landing First Nation Tennis Courts | Pictou Landing |
Pictou Landing Playground | Pictou Landing |
Pictou Landing School - Nature Based Playground | Pictou Landing |
Pictou Marina | Pictou |
Pictou Minor Hockey | Pictou |
Pictou Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Pictou |
Pictou Recreation & Parks | Pictou |
Pictou Recreation and Parks - Staying Active from Home | Pictou County |
Pictou Recreation Day Camps | Pictou |
Pictou Rotary Club | Pictou |
Pictou Soccer Club | Pictou |
Pictou Volunteer Fire Department | Pictou |
Pictou Yacht Club | Pictou |
Pictou-North Colchester Exhibition | Pictou County |
Pier B Marina | Pictou |
Pier C - Pictou Wharf (with the building) | Pictou |
Pine Street Playground | Pictou |
Pins Bowling | Antigonish, NS |
Pioneer Ballfield | Westville |
Pioneer Coal Athletics Field | Stellarton |
Pioneer Memorial Park | Sherbrooke |
Pioneer Trail | New Glasgow |
Pirate Harbour Wharf | Pirate Harbour |
Play the Pros! Society | Westville |
Plymouth Community and Recreation Association | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
Plymouth Equestrian Center | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
Plymouth Fire Dept/Hall | Plymouth (Pictou Co.) |
Pomquet Beach Provincial Park | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Pomquet Fire Department | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Pomquet Fire Department Ballfield | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Pomquet Minor Ball | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Poplar Street Basketball Court | Stellarton |
Port Bickerton Coast Guard Wharf | Port Bickerton |
Port Bickerton Community Centre | Port Bickerton |
Port Bickerton East Wharf | Port Bickerton |
Port Bickerton Lighthouse Beach Trail & Museum | Port Bickerton |
Port Felix Parish Hall | Queensport |
Port Felix Wharf | Port Felix |
Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team | Antigonish, NS |
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Port Hilford Beach | Port Hilford |
Port Shoreham Beach Provincial Park | Port Shoreham |
Powell's Point Provincial Park Beach | Pictou Landing |
Provincial Water Polo Association | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Queensport & Area Fitness Centre | Queensport |
Queensport Beach | Queensport |
Queensport Road Trail | Queensport |
Queensport Wharf | Peas Brook |
Race on the River Dragon Boat Festival | New Glasgow |
Racquetball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Raina McDonald - Artist + Yoga Instructor | Pictou |
RBC Learn to Play Project Grant | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia, RFANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Recreation Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Red Sky Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
Rick Crowe Memorial Ball Field | Stellarton |
Ricky Sutherland Memorial Ballfield | Pictou |
Ringette Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
River John Fire Dept/Hall | River John |
River John Lions Club Childrens Park | River John |
River John Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | River John |
River John Remembrance Gardens Trail | River John |
River Street Playground / Basketball Court | Stellarton |
Riverside International Speedway | Antigonish County |
Riverton Community Hall | Stellarton |
Rocky Mountain Falls Trail | Rocky Mountain |
Rocky Shores Seniors Association | New Harbour |
Rogers Hill Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Scotsburn |
Rope Skipping Association of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Row Nova Scotia, Halifax Rowing Club/ North Star Rowing Club | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 29 Trenton | Trenton |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 35 Ballfield | Westville |
Royal William Yacht Club | Pictou Landing |
Rugby Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |
Rushtons Beach Provincial Park | Marshville |
Safe Sport in Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
Sail Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Saint Ninian Place | Antigonish, NS |
Salem Ballfield | Greenhill |
Salmon River Bridge to Ogden Trail | Salmon River Lake |
Salmon River Lake to Moshers Lake Trail | Salmon River Lake |
Salsman Provincial Park | Country Harbour Lake |
Saltsprings Elementary School | Salt Springs (Pictou Co.) |
Saltsprings Provincial Park | Salt Springs (Pictou Co.) |
Salvation Army/Hall | Westville |
Sample Ball Field Complex, 2 Fields | Stellarton |
Samson Trail | New Glasgow |
Scenic Look Off Park | Halfway Cove |
Scotia Ballfield | Trenton |
Scotia Days | Mulgrave |
Scotia Ferry Look Off/Scotia Trail | Mulgrave |
Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Scotian Glen Trail | Sutherland's River |
Scotsburn Ballfield | Scotsburn |
Scotsburn Elementary School | Scotsburn |
Scotsburn Fire Department | Scotsburn |
Scotsburn Recreation Club | Scotsburn |
Scotsburn Recreation Playground | Scotsburn |
Scott Weeks Sports Complex | New Glasgow |
Seabreeze Campground & Cottages | Canso |
Seafoam Campground | River John |
Senior Citizens Shamrock Club | Canso |
Seniors Exercise | East Bay |
Sentiers Acadiens de Pomquet (Pomquet Acadian Trails) | Pomquet, Antigonish County |
Shepherds Lake Trail | Lincolnville |
Sherbrooke Legion Hall | Sherbrooke |
Sherbrooke Library | Sherbrooke |
Sherbrooke Provincial Park | Sherbrooke |
Sherbrooke Village | Sherbrooke |
Shooting Federation of Nova Scotia, SFNS | Dartmouth |
Shore Road Trail | Guysborough |
Short Line Trail 1 - Scotsburn | Scotsburn |
Sierra Drive (Mountbatten) Playground | New Glasgow |
Simpsons Beach | Braeshore |
Sister Catherine Steele Centre Basketball Half Court | Stellarton |
Six Mile Brook Trail, Cape to Cape Trail | Six Mile Brook |
SkateCanada Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Skinners Cove Beach | Cape John |
Smelt Brook Trail | Trenton |
Smith School of Highland Dance | Antigonish, NS |
Snow Queen Leisure World | Antigonish County |
Snowboard Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Snowmobilers Association of Nova Scotia, SANS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Soccer Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Societe acadienne Sainte-Croix | Antigonish County |
Society of Tor Bay Acadians | Tor Bay |
Softball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Sonora Community Centre | Sherbrooke |
Sonora Wharf | Sherbrooke |
South End Playground | New Glasgow |
Special Olympics Eastern Highlands | Antigonish, NS |
Special Olympics Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Speed Skate Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Spellbound by Nature | Antigonish County |
Sport Hub Antigonish | Antigonish County |
Sport Nova Scotia | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Squash Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
St. Agnes Hall | Canso |
St. Andrew Junior School | Antigonish County |
St. Andrews Consolidated School | St. Andrews |
St. Andrews District Community Centre | St. Andrews |
St. Andrews Fire Department | St. Andrews |
St. Andrews Oak and Owl Club | St. Andrews |
St. Andrews Softball Development Association, Ballfields | St. Andrews |
St. Francis Harbour Hall | St. Francis Harbour |
St. Francis Xavier University, St.FX | Antigonish, NS |
St. James Hall | Halfway Cove |
St. John Ambulance, Therapy Dog Program | Dartmouth |
St. John Ambulance, Volunteer Medical Responder Program | Dartmouth |
St. John Ambulance NS/ PEI, SAVING LIVES at work, home and play | Dartmouth |
St. Joseph’s Lakeside Community Centre | St. Joseph's, Antigonish County |
St. Joseph’s Parish Hall | Larry's River |
St. Joseph's Chiefs Softball | St. Joseph's, Antigonish County |
St. Mary’s Shooters Association | Stillwater |
St. Mary's ATV Club | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's Community Development and Recreation Department | Municipality of the District of St Mary's |
St. Mary's Curling Club | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's District Lions Club | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's Education Centre/Academy | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's Parish Hall | Maryvale, Antigonish County |
St. Mary's Recplex | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's River Association | Sherbrooke |
St. Mary's Trail Association | Municipality of the District of St Mary's |
St. Peter's Place Hall | Monastery, Antigonish County |
Staghorn Shooting Range (Private Club) | Coalburn |
Stan Rogers Folk Festival | Canso |
Stay Active Outdoors | Antigonish County |
Stellar Curling Club | Stellarton |
Stellarton & Area Lions Club, Service Club | Stellarton |
Stellarton & Area Minor Girls Softball Association | Stellarton |
Stellarton Fire Dept/Hall | Stellarton |
Stellarton Foster Avenue Horseshoe Pits | Stellarton |
Stellarton Memorial Rink | Stellarton |
Stellarton Minor Baseball Association | Stellarton |
Stellarton Poplar Street Tennis Courts | Stellarton |
Stellarton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Stellarton |
Stellarton Recreation Summer Day Camp Program | Stellarton |
StFX Art Gallery | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Dance Studio, Keating Centre | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Indoor Racquet Sport Courts, Amelia Saputo Centre for Healthy Living | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Memorial Field | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Soccer Pitch | Antigonish, NS |
Stfx Track and Field Club | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Track and Field Facilities | Antigonish, NS |
StFX Turf Field and Stadium | Antigonish, NS |
Stonewall Park | Sherbrooke |
Strait Area Pool | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Strait Area Trails Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Strait Richmond Minor Hockey Association | Antigonish District 9 |
Strait Richmond Minor Hockey Association | Town of Port Hawkesbury |
Strokes of Colour Art Studio | Pictou |
Sumac Farms | Trenton |
Summer Mobile Day Camp Program | Guysborough County |
Summer Musical Showcase | Pictou |
Summer Street Industries Society | New Glasgow |
Sunblock Volleyball Camp | Antigonish, NS |
Sunnybrae Equestrian Centre | Sunny Brae |
Sunnyville Ball Field | Sunnyville |
Sunnyville Community Hall | Sunnyville |
Sunset Watch Family Campground | Pictou County |
Surfing Association of Nova Scotia | Dartmouth |
Sutherland's River & District Community Centre | Sutherland's River |
Swim Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Sylvan Lakers Seniors Group | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
Sylvester Ballfield | Sylvester |
Synchro Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Tai Chi | Pictou |
Tartan Field Off Leash Dog Park | New Glasgow |
Tennis Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
The Jubilee | New Glasgow |
The Lochaber Centre | Lochaber, Antigonish County |
The Nia Technique, Nia | Antigonish, NS |
The Nova Scotia Sea School, Summer Adventures | Halifax Regional Municipality |
The Provincial Taekwondo Society of Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
The Rack Bar and Billiards | New Glasgow |
The Salvation Army Scotian Glen Camp | Thorburn |
The Sandlot Ballfield | Antigonish, NS |
Theatre Antigonish | Antigonish, NS |
Their Light Will Always Shine - Westray Memorial Park | New Glasgow |
Thistle Handgun Club | New Glasgow |
Thorburn Consolidated School | Thorburn |
Thorburn Fire Dept/Hall | Thorburn |
Thorburn Mohawk Ballfield | Thorburn |
Thorburn Trail | Thorburn |
Thrive! | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
Toney River Community Hall | Toney River |
Toney River Wharf Beach | Toney River |
Tor Bay Legion Hall (Larry's River) | Charlos Cove |
Tor Bay Provincial Park Beach | Tor Bay |
Town of Antigonish Baseball Field | Antigonish, NS |
Town of Antigonish Beach Volleyball Courts | Antigonish, NS |
Town of Antigonish Recreation Department | Antigonish, NS |
Town of Antigonish Softball Field | Antigonish, NS |
Town of Middleton COVID-19 Resources | Middleton (Annapolis Co.) |
Tracadie & District Fire Department | Monastery, Antigonish County |
Tracadie Ballfield | Tracadie |
Tracadie Minor Ball Association | Tracadie |
Trenton & Area Minor Softball Association | Trenton |
Trenton Elementary School | Trenton |
Trenton Fire Dept/Hall | Trenton |
Trenton Heritage Room | Trenton |
Trenton Learn to Skate | Trenton |
Trenton Middle School | Trenton |
Trenton Minor Sports Community Centre | Trenton |
Trenton Parks & Recreation | Trenton |
Trenton Public Library, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Trenton |
Trenton Skatepark & Outdoor Courts | Trenton |
Trenton Steeltown Centennial Park | Trenton |
Triathlon Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
True Nature Yoga Studio | Pictou |
Twilight Ladies Recreational Softball Pictou | Pictou County |
Union Centre Community Hall | Union Centre |
United Church Trinity Hall | Mulgrave |
Upper Big Tracadie Community Hall | Upper Big Tracadie |
Upper Whitehead Wharf | Upper Whitehead |
Valley Bulldogs Rookie Rugby | Kings County (NS) |
Valley Woods Park | Stellarton |
Valley Woods Playground | Stellarton |
Venus Cove Marina, Park, & Playground | Mulgrave |
Veterans Drive Playground | Pictou |
Victoria Park Outdoor Recreation Facility | Westville |
Vincent J. MacDonald Memorial Participark | Antigonish, NS |
Volleyball Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Walking Club | Hazel Hill |
Walter Duggan Consolidated School | Westville |
Ward One Social & Recreation Centre | New Glasgow |
Waterside Beach Provincial Park | Caribou River |
Watervale Recreation Center | Watervale |
Webinar: Reimagining Recreation: The Role of Recreation During a Pandemic and Beyond… | |
West Arm Harbour Ecological Association | Heatherton |
West Branch and Area Community Hall | West Branch |
West Pictou Consolidated School | Lyons Brook |
West Pictou Mens Fastball League | Pictou |
West Pictou Wildlife Association Rifle Range | Sundridge |
West River Fire Department, Community Hall | Central West River |
West Side Community Centre & Outdoor Recreation Facilities | New Glasgow |
Westville & Area Minor Baseball Association | Westville |
Westville Civic Building Auditorium | Westville |
Westville Curling Club | Westville |
Westville Fire Department | Westville |
Westville Miners Sports Center | Westville |
Westville Municipal Building Auditorium | Westville |
Westville Outdoor Rink | Westville |
Westville Public Library & Innovation Centre, Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library | Westville |
Westville Recreation Center | Westville |
Westville Recreation Culture & Leisure Service Department | Westville |
Whidden Park Campground & Cottages | Antigonish, NS |
Whitehead Community Centre Hall | Whitehead |
William A. Broidy Park | Pictou |
William M. Sobey Indoor Sports Complex | Stellarton |
William M. Sobey Soccer Complex, 3 Outdoor Fields | Stellarton |
William's Point Community Recreation Association | Williams Point |
Wine Harbour Wharf | Sherbrooke |
Winter Wanderers Snowmobile/ATV Club, Linwood | Frankville |
Women Active Nova Scotia, WomenActive-NS | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Wrestling Nova Scotia | Halifax Regional Municipality |
Xavier Taekwondo | Antigonish, NS |
YMCA of Pictou County | Westville Road |
You Go Girl Fitness | Mulgrave |
Youth Running Series, Run Nova Scotia | Spring Garden (Halifax Peninsula) |